“Racist” Republicans Doing More For Blacks Than Obama Did in 8 Years – IOTW Report

“Racist” Republicans Doing More For Blacks Than Obama Did in 8 Years

Tim Scott, the Uncle Tom racist black senator, pushed for a provision in the tax cuts that would incentivize the private sector to invest in areas slow to recover from economic recession.

Ben Carson, the other black Uncle Tom racist, is charged with heading the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, overseeing grant funding, loan guarantees, infrastructure spending and crime prevention.

The white racist, NAZI bigot black hater, president Donald J. Trump, signed the executive order.

You can argue the merits of whether this is fiscally conservative, or not, but what can not be argued, economic theory aside, the left sounds absolutely idiotic when they say Trump is bad for black people.

Smart black people know better.


9 Comments on “Racist” Republicans Doing More For Blacks Than Obama Did in 8 Years

  1. It’ll never be enough for them… what’s the point? No matter what Trump does or says, he will still only get 6-8% of the black vote. Time to focus on increasing white turnout, otherwise he’s gone in 2020. The old saying, “what’s good for General Motors is good for America” could also be, “What’s good for white people is good for America.”

  2. It needs revitalization, because the people there caused it to need revitalization, and none of them have the means or the skill to do it themselves.

    You can keep repainting a trashcan, but it’s still a trashcan.

  3. President Trump is fantastic. He has not only made the effort to acknowledge black Americans concerns, but he is acting on them. The left is always harping about funding for urban renewal, now they can’t say President Trump hasn’t done that. Once again he has flipped the script on the left.
    Barry’s efforts for eight years was to create a toxic culture of division, racism and treating black conservatives like criminals.


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