“Racist” Shane Gillis, Fired From SNL Before He Started, is Invited To Host – IOTW Report

“Racist” Shane Gillis, Fired From SNL Before He Started, is Invited To Host

Easily the best Trump impersonator (and most likely a supporter)-

Snowflake Social Media hated him. He said the word “retarded,” and talked about Down Syndrome.

3 Comments on “Racist” Shane Gillis, Fired From SNL Before He Started, is Invited To Host

  1. It’s kind of silly to get mad about “retarded”. It was taught as a legitimate medical term back when they bothered to teach me such things, along with idiot, cretin, imbecile. and moron. It was a legit way of expressing diminished mental capacity that is only insulting to someone NOT suffering from it. I wrote it in official documents when appropriate and necessary, and read it in pt summaries and MPAs that were helpful in saying how the patient and consent issues had to be dealt with.

    This was so “official” they said it REPEATEDLY on the radio for SNOW DAYS. As in “The County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities is on a 2 hour delay”, sometimes shortened to “MRDD” if there were a LOT of closures. They call it the “Developmental Disabilities Services”. or DDS now. Is that better? How, if so?


    I have a niece who has a Prader-Willi variant that gives her a lifelong sentence to, among other things, diminished mental capacity. She’s still a fully functional human being that gets herself to work and back on a bus every day and takes care of herself, but is aware of herself as compared to others she works with and jokes about being “retarded” herself. Is it wrong if SHE does it?

    I have a Down’s great nephew (late in life baby, not uncommon in midlife pregnancies so be warned) that has definite developmental issues but is still a happy and active kid that does everything another does, but learns it slower is all. His mental development is retarded by his condition, which is just a longer way of saying …he’d retarded. As a descriptor, it’s as accurate as saying he’s male or he’s White (these days those LAST two are meant as an insult. Probably about to ban THEIR use, along with the White Males they describe).

    I know it sucks to raise a kid with a birth defect,I had a cleft baby myself. Yes, you get a little thin-skinned if someone is obviously talking about it insulingly, but I wasn’t going to belt someone if they simply asked about the obvious imperfection or the doctor when describing his cleft surgeries. If it was a descriptor, so what? If meant as an insult, you’d deal with it like any other insult like “your baby’s ugly” and mete out pain accordingly.

    Words in isolation don’t matter. Words in context do.

    And people who ignore context and just ban words they don’t like are NOT retards, they are Karens who can’t be bothered to actually understand language, they are simply looking for an excuse to control it.

    And I reject control.

    …there was a song a few years back by a band I don’t particularly care for, the Black Eyed Peas. They were singing about making YOURSELF stupid by drinking too much and comparing the alcohol diminished mental capacity to retardism. Not the best simile, granted, but comprehensible to anyone NOT wearing their sensitive suit full-time, if they only listened a little further. They even SANG (rapped?) the lyric “In this context, there’s no disrespect”, then went on to say EXACTLY what they meant.

    That wasn’t enough for Karens who likely weren’t even fans, so they changed it from “Let’s Get Retarded” to “Let’s Get It Started”.

    And to the extent popular opinion matters. it was a hit both ways.

    …here’s the original. If you can tolerate rap generally, judge for yourself (warning, “Retarded” comes out VERY LOUDLY AND CLEARLY right up front, so if in sensitive surrounding…


    …control of the language is a tool of the Left. Retarded was originally supposed to be the SENSITIVE term. But like everything ELSE the left touches, the rules constantly change to keep you so worn out that you never question their authority to make and change “rules” in the FIRST place.

    And that’s the REAL reason for “politically correcting” speech in the first place…


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