Radical Leftist and Grandson of Munich Terror Murderer/Mastermind is California (of course) Congressional Candidate – IOTW Report

Radical Leftist and Grandson of Munich Terror Murderer/Mastermind is California (of course) Congressional Candidate

PJ media-

Meet Ammar Campa-Najjar, a 2018 primary candidate for California’s 50th Congressional District: According to his website, he’s just your run-of-the-mill southern California Democrat.

He’s a gun-grabber from the word go, utterly dedicated to a woman’s right to murder the fruit of her womb, and celebrates the full range of possible psycho-sexual unions, including, generously, the one likely to bear such fruit. He favors Medicare for all without a hint of how to pay for it, and he demands the total abolition of any meaningful border between California and the drug cartels.

Oh, yes — he happens to be the grandson of one of the masterminds of the 1972 slaughter of eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics.

Born and raised in San Diego, Campa-Najjar had a fairly conventional upbringing — if you consider a four-year sojourn in Gaza part of a normal childhood. When his neighbors began to make things a bit too hot, Campa-Najjar and his Mexican-American mother decided it was time to return to the land of effete decadence, the Hotel California.


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