Meet Ammar Campa-Najjar, a 2018 primary candidate for California’s 50th Congressional District: According to his website, he’s just your run-of-the-mill southern California Democrat.
He’s a gun-grabber from the word go, utterly dedicated to a woman’s right to murder the fruit of her womb, and celebrates the full range of possible psycho-sexual unions, including, generously, the one likely to bear such fruit. He favors Medicare for all without a hint of how to pay for it, and he demands the total abolition of any meaningful border between California and the drug cartels.
Oh, yes — he happens to be the grandson of one of the masterminds of the 1972 slaughter of eleven Israeli athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics.
Born and raised in San Diego, Campa-Najjar had a fairly conventional upbringing — if you consider a four-year sojourn in Gaza part of a normal childhood. When his neighbors began to make things a bit too hot, Campa-Najjar and his Mexican-American mother decided it was time to return to the land of effete decadence, the Hotel California.
Democrat risimg star
Gitta rope.
Sounds like he has most or the requirements to become a democrap politician.
And his family were allowed into this country HOW, exactly?
At least his 32nd cousin 4 times removed didn’t live next door to someone who owned slaves, at least in the U.S.
Loons in California will Vote him in.
“Meet Ammar Campa-Najjar…”