Radiohead Plays Their Longest Concert in 11 Years – IOTW Report

Radiohead Plays Their Longest Concert in 11 Years

Message sent to antisemite Roger Waters – GFY.

The BDS movement, a collection of idiots who claim Israel is an apartheid state, was treated to a huge Radiohead middle finger as they played to 47,000 appreciative fans in Tel Aviv.

Frontman Thom Yorke thanked the audience and reminded them that their first show in Israel was in 1993 and that they were as appreciative then to the receptive crowd as they are now.

They played 2 encores totaling 10 songs.

Asked if he enjoyed the concert, Saul Rosenberg said, “meh, but such big portions!”

That’s right a play on an old Jewish joke!! And you know who can make jokes like that? Everybody, and no one is getting their heads sawed off.

Gee, maybe if they weren’t considered haram by the palestinians that voted Hamas into power, Radiohead could play for them too. Roger Waters could be the opening act.

Lots of footage from the concert HERE.

ht/ Annie

9 Comments on Radiohead Plays Their Longest Concert in 11 Years

  1. I’m glad Rh stuck to their guns and that the event went off without incident.

    I saw RH once, back in 2003. Yorke was like a dynamo… he was all over that stage. Amazing performers all.

  2. Thom Yorke just gave those BDS jew-haters his middle finger.
    Now I love Radiohead.
    It’s interesting how honor and commitment to principles can make a band’s music sound so much better.

  3. I like how Thom changed the lyrics in “Creep” and he said, “I’m a winner” instead of “I’m a loser”.
    However, I’m begging him to get rid of the man bun.

  4. I realize it makes me out to be (perhaps rightly) small and otherwise disconnected, but the actions of entertainers on either side of the political divide fall far short of phuck all I care about.

    It’s like watching morons play football. First off, I couldn’t care less about football. Secondly, you’ve got morons playing football.

    Why the phuck did we ever give credence to entertainers of ANY ilk to instruct us on how we should react to political events on the world stage?

    Speaking of that exact issue, who among you thinks you have any relevance what so ever in these issues?

    James Hodgkinson tried to be relevant in a political disagreement. But he was so phucking inept (typical leftist, can’t shit and hit the floor) the only one who died from his magnum opus statement was him.

    Entertainment is dead. Get these mutts out of here, I’m not amused anymore.

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