Rahm Emanuel Puts Wolf Ditzier in His Place on Smollett Narrative – IOTW Report

Rahm Emanuel Puts Wolf Ditzier in His Place on Smollett Narrative

ht/ someguy somewhere

9 Comments on Rahm Emanuel Puts Wolf Ditzier in His Place on Smollett Narrative

  1. The Prosecuting Attorney must step down as a first step to that Office regaining any moral legitimacy. At this juncture it does not have any moral legitimacy… not that that means anything to Democrats, but they are consistently and everlastingly wanting to accuse anyone who disagrees with them of wanting to go “back to the dark ages” well this exposes the legal standard in Chicago as not consistent with modern thinking on what constitutes justice.

    President John F. Kennedy, in his 1961 inaugural address, said that “the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe.” Among those issues, around the globe and here in the United States, is the rule of law, Lex Rex. American presidents have sometimes acted as though they were above the law.

    Independence Day can be a time for reflection about whether the United States will continue to be, in the words that John Adams put into the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution, “a government of laws and not of men.”

    Not that it matters to the pieces of shit that run the Democrat Party, but they are guilty of that, they embody that, which they love to accuse others so often of being. What else is new?


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