Rainbow Flag Burning Priest Does Interview From His Hiding Place – IOTW Report

Rainbow Flag Burning Priest Does Interview From His Hiding Place


Chicago priest Fr. Paul Kalchik was forced into hiding after two priests sent by Cdl. Blase Cupich threatened to have him taken away by police if he did not accede to the cardinal’s order to be committed to St. Luke’s Institute. The orders came shortly after parishioners held a ceremony burning a sacrilegious banner showing a cross and rainbow flag that used to hang in the sanctuary, covering the crucifix.

Father Kalchik gave Church Militant this exclusive interview at an undisclosed location.


ht/ jd hasty

30 Comments on Rainbow Flag Burning Priest Does Interview From His Hiding Place

  1. Yet burning the American flag is okay?

    Of course it is, it’s a Constitutional right!

    Burn a fag flag?

    Call in the storm troopers!

    I don’t get this idiocracy, any day now, I expect a farm report on Brawndo and it’s benefits to crops. Because, it has electrolytes.

  2. The same Fake News media that is all over Kavanaugh is ignoring all of these leftist Bishops & Cardinals. Hmmm…. are they the least bit sincere? I say, not.

    And they and the Kennedys protected each other as they ruled over New England raping and pillaging.

  3. Watch this interview and you will become educated beyond your belief regarding the infiltration of The Church by the progressive movement.

    I have had many serious fights with my now 95 year old mother about just exactly what is now playing out. She was taught to never question priests character and/or motives, let alone Bishops & Cardinals. And to criticize the Pope was not even open to consideration.

  4. I watched the video, JD, and I’m not Catholic.

    Since I saw the movie about Ireland 1965-95, “The Magdalene Laundries” I’m even more estranged.

    The Catholic church may split.

    (Is this the last Pope? ….smile…. and isn’t something horrible supposed to happen, when….?) ….Lady in Red

    PS: I am pro-gay and privacy and…. ….but I think this “pastor” was over-the-top. Simply put: he was tasteless.

  5. Straight out of the progressive movement’s playbook: THE WEAPONIZING OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING OF PRIESTS


    Infiltration of The Church by the,progressive movement is something I recognized in the 1970s and I was a kid. Wait until what the phony balony nuns activities are fully revealed. They make these bastards look like choirboys in comparison, they and the prog women laity infiltrators were in many ways running the show.

  6. IMO, all institutions, including the RCC, are quickly falling into abject evil. Everything I used to look up to has turned to shit. All I can do anymore is try to protect myself and my family, and if a civil war breaks out, try to help the patriotic, conservative side.

    Sports, entertainment, politics, religious organizations, are all too perverted and screwed up for me to connect to them anymore. Faith in God is the only, final, salvation.

  7. @ 3:48 “Evil must be dealt with”. Hair stand up time…

    He reminds me of some type of Excorcist. Paging Fr. Damien.

    As a conservative RCC I AM concerned.

    A Reformation 2.0 may be needed. Is it a simple change in leadership OR a change in standards OR mass structure? Not sure.

    Vatican II, 1967, needs to be revisited…that I know.

    My WORRY is that the lefts last main enemy is the american conservative RCC. They have this guy…and us.. in their crosshairs….

    @ VietVet – that was funny but it’s more like the gay mafia running the Vatican.

    @ AB – don’t be that naive, if your boss is a THUG with henchman you’d be gone in a SECOND. That priests one and only boss is a Jewish carpenter.

    @ Tim – God Bless right there with ya.

    @ JD – I agree with ya but don’t fight with yer mom! My mom lived until 94 and I stopped trying years earlier…

    @ Lady – I do not like this pope AT ALL but it would not be good for the RCC to disnergrate from the top down. John Paul II was a great modern pope. Btw what is pro-gay? When does pro-gay become a radicalization within an institution?

    For other Cat-licks that want to keep up on this I suggest:



  8. Dumb comment, Ghost….. Sorry! …smile… I am not “pro-gay.”

    I am not “anti-gay.” I believe in sexual privacy (and God told me that he does, too. ….smile..)

    I don’t like tasteless. That is all. ….Lady in Red

  9. Col…. I’ve contacted Atascadero State mental hospital and given them your ISP. If your theory is correct, you should probably barricade your house and expect a police standoff around 6;30 am.

    Everyone else, we’ll meet at Dennys and plan our next move.

  10. @ Lady – and YOU are a Lady, don’t have to apologize. You said nothing wrong.

    I seek clarity not agreement. And as a libertarian I agree with YOU. JUST DON’T PUSH IT. Not YOU…THEM. Like you said be private and that priest get screwed by a machine in the PARISH HOUSE????? Breaking down doors??? WTF. That is NOT private. As we use to say, GET A MOTEL already.

    @ AB – I will one up you only because Willowbrook opened before the place you sent. Hah!


    YOU need to sharpen YOUR skills…

    Are you threatening me?? With my ISP address you POS?? Who talks about such shit you jerk.

    You effing treasonous traitor wanting to overthrow governments I REMEMBER YOUR ASS.

    Screw you. YOU ZERO.

    I’ll meet you at Denny’s after I break out of the LOONEY bin and track you down, you and types like YOU who commit people for political purposes.

    Go back to the Tribunal HOLE you crawled into to begin with you ROACH.

    The Obsolete Man:




  11. Dear Col…..

    hang on a sec….


    Anyway, now I’m more convinced than ever that I did the right thing alerting the Coast Gaurds Secret Sanity division about you. Expect a tugboat at your door momentarily.

  12. @ AB – My dad was in the Coast Gaurd from ’43-’45 so he is protecting me. You picked the WRONG agency to eff with…again.

    How bout we cut to the chase then?

    Let us all compare your service to country vs ‘mine’.

    Colonel John Glover became Brigadier General, after the Battle of Trenton and Washington’s GO TO on THREE seperate occaisions.

    Et TU Aaron???????


    Riiiight Aaaaaron. Who the eff has the name Aaaaaron anyway?

    I LOVE tugboats.

    I have FAR more experience out on the water and rough seas than you will EVER.



  13. @Tim Buktu – You’re correct. Morality has to change, people dont think of others any more. its just me me me and their perversion. They need someone to lead them, someone to look up to. They need Christ. We need Christ.

    I knew a Tim BukThree, you related?

  14. @ Bad_Brad – For the FUCKING RECORD you were CORRECT to be royally pissed off a week or so ago.

    AND no, not everything is justified with a LOL at the end of the comment @ BFH, that is having it both ways and you can’t have that. “get over it, it’s a joke” ” don’t take it personal, I’m only kidding”.


    Glad to see we are not all ‘friends’ but there ARE alliances.

    I like being CHALLENGED.

    My mom was 94 when she died so let’s see how that freak
    @ Aaaaaaaaron Burr comes back.


  15. ghost of col j glover

    So my story is I gotta bunch of smart ass buds in the gym. BAMFS. Nothings off limits, except for family. Make fun of some ones Mother you could die. I hate to sound like the mamas boy in it’s A Mad Mad Mad World, but that is my reality and what I live by. My mistake, trying to joke with him in the first place. He don’t get it. And I’m freaken busy. I’ll check back later.

  16. @ BB – I do not go to a gym. But I do basic calistenics. Not sure what a BAMFS is??

    “my reality and that is what I live by”.


    “YOUR MAMA WORE COMBATS BOOTS” was an old one I remember. What did that mean…in a ‘mean’ way?

    I remember staying up late to watch the end, back in the day late night, of IAMMW. Fantastic movie.


  17. @ Seaoh – btw you are correct, I meant to add…

    And AB is a useful IDIOT in saying what he said.

    Hey Aaaaaaaron.

    How is your legacy doing?? Just Swell??



    Some of us REMEMBER.


  18. “ghost of col j glover ”

    I miss my mother EVERYDAY. Now the wifes going thru taking care of her mother in during the “Tough Times”. She gets pissed, frustrated, upset. I keep telling her you’ll judge yourself unfairly after she’s gone. I guess it’s Gods little test. It’s a tough thing when children become parents and the parents become children. So I find no humor in jokes bout my mother. Or anybody else’s for that matter.

  19. @ BB – As I do…miss my mom. She raised TEN of us. Me being the youngest.

    Both of my parents are gone and my Mrs. is as well worried about her remaining parent. It does SUCK. But for me I put my faith and soul into, first my Mrs. and then me boys / crew.

    Tell your mrs to NOT to self judge, that is the devil. You will both be better off. It is very easy to get pissed off in that situation. Try not to fight!

    That said stay strong but I can only say that in hindsight.

    To your point, I watched my mom become a child at the end.

    THEY took care of us, so we take care of them.

    That’s what we do as a LOVING family member.



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