Raise Your Hand If You’re Old Enough To Get the Reference – IOTW Report

Raise Your Hand If You’re Old Enough To Get the Reference

ht/ stirrin’

50 Comments on Raise Your Hand If You’re Old Enough To Get the Reference

  1. During what may have been the best summer of my life that song was blasted over the PA system A LOT at the swimming pool that I went to every day with my best buds and the cutest girls.
    – Those we’re the days, my friend

  2. Congratulations on your employment prospects. But you still ain’t getting onto my land. I seen what happens when long haired freaky people get together in the woods. It ain’t pretty.

  3. Ah yes I remember, we were flying low and I hit something in the air.

    Just cover up your ugly tattoos

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME???????????????? DOA! Bloodrock! -bfh

  4. Due to covid partial lockdowns (since Dec 26th/2020) I had to become a Long Haired Freeky Person. I even added the 70’s porn stache.

    They just allowed Haircuts about 2 weeks ago and the waits for appointments are still days.

  5. So, I took off my hat hat, and said imagine that, me working for you.

    Nothing says “I don’t really want a job”, like a face tattoo or 30 piercings.

  6. I’ve noticed two things about the free spirits of that time as they’ve aged.

    a.) Most, if they have any long hair at all, are sporting the Ben Franklin.

    b.) They are the most property conscious arseholes you ever did meet, when it comes to “their” land.

  7. Off topic. Slightly.

    I was spotifying/Bluetoothing during an intense weed pulling session in the garden and I got really deep into some early punk music. Stiff Little Fingers 1978.

    There is a reason that it has been said that conservative’s that loved antiestablishment punk are the true warriors of the movement.

    My mind set hasn’t changed. Listen to Suspect Device or Alternative Ulster. Pretty radical. Very anti-government.

  8. Imagine the heaping helping of humanity and life experiences we, who were born in the 50s have seen? Rejoice in that.

    And we’re just getting started to return to something normal.

    It’s starting in Virginia this year when we clear the slate of idiots and misfits at the state level.

    Yeah. We and New Jersey elect governor and down ticket.


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