Raleigh Police Attacked By Firebomber – IOTW Report

Raleigh Police Attacked By Firebomber

46 Comments on Raleigh Police Attacked By Firebomber

  1. stirrin the FJB Pot
    MAY 8, 2022 AT 7:20 PM
    “I know that we are supposed to love our enemy, but…the only mistake the officers made in this incident was administering CPR.”

    Required. If they DIDN’T switch to rescue mode, we’d have another George Floyd and they’d go to ALL the jail.

    Also, basic humanity. And God wants EVERYONE to have a second chance.

    Even firebombers.

    Perhaps they’d have a Damascus Road moment.

    Or maybe not.

    But God gave US another chance.

    We should do no less than the same, if we follow Him.

    “1 And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,

    2 And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.

    3 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

    4 And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

    5 And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

    6 And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.”
    Acts 9:1-6

    …Ananias didn’t want to heal THAT guy either, but he did because the Lord WANTED him to.

    And he became one of the Lord’s greatest disciples.

    “13 Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem:

    14 And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name.

    15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:

    16 For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake.”
    Acts 9:13-16

    …I am not worthy of the Lord, but I do not consider it my place to give and withhold such help as I can give, to the Lord’s glory.

    This officer did his duty, to the letter and the spirit.

    God will bless him because of it.

  2. SNS – I had second and third thoughts about hitting “Post Comment”. Especially because I knew that you would let me know what the moral and legal response must be. Unfortunately I let my emotional gut overrule my heart and logical response.

  3. stirrin the FJB Pot
    MAY 8, 2022 AT 7:57 PM

    …I struggle with anger too. I probably will damn myself because I seriously doubt I could follow the Lord when a pedophile is involved. I let such a one live once who was in my care after some issues with police on a rape scene, before I was even Christian, because it was my sworn duty, but also because in my naïveté I actually believed Government would settle the hash of one so obviously, even proudly, guilty.


    Disappeared into the “justice” system, never to be heard again.

    My first lesson in TRUE government betrayal.

    So I’m not sure I could take my own advice and do the Lord’s will in a similar situation again. And I’d probably accept hell and prison if the opportunity arose again, even were it the Pedo in Chief.

    There’s some other stuff, but best to let some sleeping dogs lie.

    Unfortunately, faith is not conditional. God would not forgive me if I cannot forgive them. His rule, not mine.

    But all I can do is give advice as I believe the Lord would have it, based on my understanding of the Bible. I have physically tried to help many that some, even me, could consider of little worth for reasons already stated and others. Some lived, some died, and in no case can I tell you if they went to hell or to glory. But I did what I could to give them the option.

    But that one thing could well prove a bridge too far for me. Hasn’t come up lately, but even the doubt may be enough to separate me from the Lord.

    I’m still a work in progress, as we all are. I speak the Word as it is given to me, but I yet fail many tests. Pray for me even as I pray for you, that the Lord may show His mercy to us both.

    God bless,

  4. Will you staph. All you have to do is avoid treading on the Good Lords toes. “Vengeance is mine!!!” sayeth The LORD.

    O.K….he called dibs. You gonna’ pee on Gods lawn? Not me brother. Batman figured out the loophole. “Justice, not vengeance.” Is his motto. Mine too. It’s perfect. Who wants to stand in the way of the administration of Justice?

    I’ve thrown people down metal stairs, planted evidence on them and even thwarted police investigations all in the name of “justice”.

    It’s great. Works every time.

  5. Burr, Adjudicator.
    MAY 8, 2022 AT 9:25 PM

    “Batman figured out the loophole. “Justice, not vengeance.””

    …the last reboot changed all that. He said , “I AM vengeance”.


    …its a damn shame when you can’t even rely on a consistent Batman as your moral arbeier, but here we are…

  6. Brads a Jew?

    Jesus came down and fulfilled the New Covenant. The Home Office works under a completely new set of rules.

    Not sure if “an eye for an eye” is ecclesiastically sophisticated enough to fool God.

    I mean, when he looks into your heart and sees “an eye for an eye” he might start off with…. “Waaaait a minute……”

    He’s looks into my heart and sees….”Justice”. I’m assuming he sees that and says “Carry on”, but I don’t know for sure.

    So far so good.

  7. ^^^^^

    The Debil you say! You’re an engineer metal bending…specs reading insert slot A into tab B guy.

    Eye for an eye is muslim crazy talk.

    Justice is all the rage. Hop on the band wagon.

  8. Okay, so we’re down to the final match between Stone Cold “Eye for an Eye” Steve Austin and Hulk “Turn the Other Cheek” Hogan. Who will prevail?

  9. Justice is an ideal. You can’t kill it with bullets. I ain’t advocating turning the other cheek. That page of my Bible has mustard on it.

    I’m saying, on this, The Lords day of rest and praise, that God has already staked out vengeance as his own personal turf. I respect property rights.

    The fudge do I want to go through the hassle of tearin’ out some bastards eye? Didn’t we invent firearms to take all the runnin’ around and bashin’ usually associated with the pursuit of Justice in the first place?

    When the Americans liberated concentration camps they sometimes handed over their rifles to inmates. Seems pretty just to me. Now, those Jews may have used them in the pursuit of vengeance….I dunno’, not really their problem. But the end result, a bunch of dead concentration camp guards, seems like Justice to me.

  10. Burr, Jesuit
    MAY 8, 2022 AT 9:42 PM

    “Jesus came down and fulfilled the New Covenant. The Home Office works under a completely new set of rules.”

    …not entirely.

    Boss Jesus Himself said so.

    “17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

    18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
    Matthew 5:17-19

  11. Exactly SNS, on both posts.

    I ain’t gotta’ do a damn thing to prevent someone from meeting Justice….and possibly, their Lord along the way.

    And Hell yeah, I am so totally teaching the way of Justice. Again, fulfilling my contractual obligations to the King Above All.

    Now, strapped to a missile or dropped from bomb bay doors? I know option B is probably more cost effective, but option A has a certain flair and romance to it.


    What is it with you bullets? You should collect them or something…..set them up in lil’ dollhouses’ washin’ dishes and ironing lil’ bullet pants.

    “Enforce Justice”…..why I oughta’….. all you can do is enforce the Law. And if it needs bullets to enforce it….it might be a sketchy law. Not good for society or other living things.

    Excluding of course, peoples baser instincts.I know mofos gonna’ mofo and rob banks and terrorize the whole dang city of Gotham, but we usually don’t let loose with firehose of bullets to keep people from breaking the Law.

  13. “What is it with you bullets? ”
    Well honestly, I just had an election stolen from me. And I’m pissed. And if you think about it, the 2A is the only thing keeping these assholes from putting me in a re education camp. Sounds like you’ve already attended. I’m really good with a gun, and I like bullets.

  14. You’re just mad because I’m dispassionate about it. Today. Sunday.

    I have a certain amount of equanimity about it because I’ve been using my bullets to recreate the battle of Gettysburg in diorama form. For the past…27 years or so.

    Since we didn’t storm the damn Bastille on January 6th, much less in November, I can only assume we’re taking the high road. What other reason could there be for the lack of black columns of smoke dotting the horizon in every direction.

    Fine. let’s do this all nice and legal like.

    Boring…I know. But apparently approved by Jesus and all of his subsidiary and allied concerns.

  15. I got fried by a Suburban distributor once. It didn’t kill me (I’m pretty sure) but I did piss my trousers a little bit. Well, maybe a lot.

    Exploding soccer balls is a brilliant idea, though.

  16. That coil lit my shit up. The worst was my face banged into the TB, and then the radiator, and then the clip, and the fucking hood latch. I missed the bumper… somehow…

  17. SNS,

    “But that one thing could well prove a bridge too far for me. Hasn’t come up lately, but even the doubt may be enough to separate me from the Lord.”

    I do not believe that doubts could ever separate us from our loving Lord. Actions are when both our emotions and our wills work together. We are helpless when only emotions (thoughts) come to mind. They may be from God, or they may be from Satan. That is why we need to be in tune with Jesus and his teachings and deeds so they can be there to help us along our path.

  18. I was laying on the engine with my boots on the bumper. Phil said, “Your legs shot out straight… and you shot out of the engine bay straight as a board!”

    I have no memory of that.

  19. I was just turning a distributor on a running truck. NOP. I have one hand on the timing lamp, and one hand on the dizzy. All was good for a few seconds… getting close with the lamp… then I was on the ground and had pissed myself. And my face tore up.

    Shit happens.

  20. “Police will have to have walled, gated and guarded
    compounds just like a U.S.Army base soon.”

    Mmmm… Police? The lowest level? Nah. Not even county. It’ll be some Fed contrivance like DHS or NSA. Sure, plenty of local law enforcement employees will be playing along with them, the little jack-boot wannabes, but I highly doubt they’ll be completely tuned in to what the Feds (NWOs) want to do with us.

    Keep your powder dry, your sights tuned in, and your ear to the ground.

  21. “Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag MAY 8, 2022 AT 11:45 PM”

    Reminds me of my first pay-check job at 16. Burger King.

    Remodeling the place, I was putting in fluorescent bulbs in the new menu sign behind the counter.

    A 16 y.o. chick asked me what I was doing and how it worked. I was sitting on top of a step ladder, straddling it, and during my tutorial, I touched both socket ends at the same time and the next thing I knew was I was standing on the floor wondering what happened.


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