Rally Envy – IOTW Report

Rally Envy

President Trump held a rally in Springfield, Missouri last night. They had to turn away 20,000 from a venue that seats 11,000. Here

Former President Obama held a rally last night as well, at Philadelphia’s Dell Music Center. It seats just under 6,000. No one was turned away. Here

13 Comments on Rally Envy

  1. P.J. O’Rourke wrote a piece several years ago about his observations in Nicaraugra when Ortega lost an election although everyone claimed to be voting for him. There were long lines at the polling place, and after the fact O’Rourke realized that people don’t turn out in droves to maintain the status quo.

    Shortly before the 2016 election, that’s when I started believing Trump could possibly win – he drew crowds and people don’t turn out to maintain the status quo. Trump is still drawing crowds, and the same dynamic may still be true.

  2. It’s hard to explain the low turn out to see Obama. I mean, who doesn’t enjoy being harangued about not meeting his standards and told how much harder we have to work to make his vision of America a reality?

  3. There are some hilarious meme’s on the net with people, animals, babies falling asleep while Obama talks. This is what he has been reduced to. The man who used to fill an entire Grant Park in Chicago with Roman Columns. My How the mighty hopey changey has fallen. How DELIGHTFUL!

  4. Sadly, if you’re stupid enough to attend one of Obummer’s rallies you don’t have enough sense to stand up, give him the finger and walk out.

    Yeah, I want to be lectured to by the jug eared, blue lipped, muslim faggot…

    I mean all of the above in the most friendly customer service way…

  5. Hey Obama, we did ” vote to restore honesty, decency and lawfulness to government” and that’s why we have President Donld Trump!

    If you were referring to your corrupt presidency as honest and decent and lawful, you’ve been smoking something

  6. We were at the rally in Springfield – just barely made it in for the last half of Trump’s speech. The numbers of people were crazy. Some were there overnight. My buddy got there too late – easily 20,000 people turned away. John Q arena is the largest venue in Springfield. There were about 100 protestors in a designated area – of course they made the local lib News Leader.

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