Ramadan Body Count – IOTW Report

Ramadan Body Count

The Muslim month of fasting and prayer started on May 15th and you know what happens when the religion of peace gets a little “hangry”? That’s right, the levels of murder and mayhem get cranked up as well. More

10 Comments on Ramadan Body Count

  1. Not surprising. You go 15 hours without food or water and then gorge yourself with all kinds of sweet shit, you’re gonna get a little amped up

    It’s not the religion that’s causing this, it’s the sugar high

  2. I suspect it is not hunger. When they don’t take time to cook and eat a meal they have more time to make bombs, load ammo, plan and carry out attacks. Or maybe that timing is just an odd coincidence.

  3. @Gladys May 30, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    > Notice how these cowardly POS attack women, children and old people.

    Attacking officers! And skipping the canon fodder! Those bastards!

  4. When’s that “Big Black Cube Double Bacon Burger” joint opening?
    I hear the line to order is a killer of a wait, But it’s worth it.
    I’ll have a Double Bacon Allah AkBurger with goat cheese
    Double Crispy Infidel Fries with extra Tzatziki and Hummus Sauce
    and a large RedPop Faygo lite on the ice.

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