Ramirez, Wannabe Feminist Heroine Icon, Says, “Leave Me Alone” and Won’t Talk To Senate Committee – IOTW Report

Ramirez, Wannabe Feminist Heroine Icon, Says, “Leave Me Alone” and Won’t Talk To Senate Committee

What do the dems have at this point?

They have smears and attempted obstruction of the confirmation of a federal judge to the Supreme Court by way of feminist loons who can be seen on days ending in “y” wearing their pussyhats and #RESISTING!!

They have a virtual monopoly on these women activists, with the crazy eyes, willing to risk it all until it’s time to step up to the plate and back up their claims. Ronan Farrow is willing to publish their garbage truck juice, but he will cut and run the moment it seems the jig is up. He’ll shrug and say “we were misled.”

This Ramirez broad seems to have gotten the message that no one will be there to bail her out once she starts testifying, so she’s cutting and running even  before her handlers have.

That was quick.


22 Comments on Ramirez, Wannabe Feminist Heroine Icon, Says, “Leave Me Alone” and Won’t Talk To Senate Committee

  1. Lying to the New Yorker is one thing; they will print anything. Lying to Congress is another; there is a slight chance some Republican may want to bring perjury charges.

    Incidentally, good move on Ramirez’ part. Relying on the Democrats to have your back is a completely stupid move; these people will jettison her quicker than you can say “undocumented workers.”

  2. As Grassley said to DiFi finally in a letter it isn’t a crime to make false statements to the press but it is under oath in front of congress. Grassley scheduled a judiciary vote on Friday. About time we move on from this farce.

  3. The only thing Democrats have at this point is smearing this confirmation. It doesn’t matter if any of their jabs are true, it’s basically shit hitting the fan.

    In other words.

    The whole process is nothing but a great big dog whistle.

    Years from now, after he’s confirmed, I’ll have to read some sniveling cunt say he’s a rapist.

    That’s all that matters to Democrats at this point. Trucking people for their support.

  4. The childish pissing match never ends. OK that Clinton lied about cigar times in the Oval Office. and perjured himself to be stripped of being a Lawyer ever again. Let’s not even go there about Barry not being a US citizen. Russia and Trump, please Bitch. Just accuse your mental illness and crime to those that threaten you with the truth about yourself. Never went to Kinder garden, yet it feels that way everyday.

  5. Ramirez has a new Boulder attorney, and he has stated that they remain adamant that his client’s claims must be investigated by the FBI. They have hired a Washington D C firm to represent Ramirez in any investigation conducted by Congress. No mention in the local paper if she will be traveling back to commit perjury on Thursday. The vote on Kavanaugh has been set for Friday morning. Maybe they will just ask Ronan Farrow to testify about the horrific flashing flashback.

  6. Will she pay for the investigation?

    Vote already. This is just stalling. Everybody’s done the perfunctory “every woman deserves to be heard” kabuki.

    Alternately, after some women have been heard they need to shut the fuck up and sod off.

  7. All these bimbo eruptions against Kavanagh will pop like acne, eventually and Kavanagh will be confirmed.
    The left has been using the Supreme Court to force socialist based laws and bypassing an ineffective Congress. That’s why Kavanaugh is driving them bananas. He and any other true conservative judge won’t support the left’s agenda. Keep a large supply of popcorn, the “Loser Left” show has just begun.
    BTW, expect a killer red wave to swamp a blue puddle.

  8. Stan Garrnet has a lengthy history of creepy shit in Colorado. He was Boulder Colorados DA and now works for the Brownstein law firm…Brownstein is representing the mayor of Denver his own sexual harassment problems….tune in tomorrow because this talk show host has 30 years of dirt on Stan….here is a link….5am to 9 am MST, Peter Boyles..http://player.listenlive.co/56761


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