RAMS, Fittingly, To Introduce Male Cheerleaders – IOTW Report

RAMS, Fittingly, To Introduce Male Cheerleaders

It’s gayer looking than you think.

Still watching the NFL?

Now we have kneelers for the National Anthem AND kneelers for gay sex.

Why are you watching the NFL?


(NEWSER) – Quinton Peron and Napoleon Jinnies just made NFL history, CBS Los Angeles reports. They became the first men on an NFL cheer team after the Los Angeles Rams announced Wednesday they had made the squad. According to Inside Edition, Jinnies said he was “speechless” and Peron said he cried when they heard the news. “Still can’t believe I’m one of the first males in history to be a pro NFL cheerleader!” Jinnies tweets. “Everyone’s support and love has been insane! Thank you and GO RAMS!”

The two classically trained dancers had to go through two auditions, an interview, three rehearsals, and a final audition to make the 40-person cheer team. They will appear at every Rams home game as well as community events. “They really just fit the bill to be a Los Angeles Rams cheerleader,” Inside Edition quotes Rams cheer captain Emily Leibert as saying. “They are intelligent. They are eloquent. They are more than qualified to be ambassadors out in the community.”

40 Comments on RAMS, Fittingly, To Introduce Male Cheerleaders

  1. This is pure fucking marketing genius. A full 3% of the population (maybe) wants to see faggots dancing, if in fact they even watch football…..LOL….

    The punch line to the old joke…”Block that kick, block that kick”…

  2. Said like 12 year old girl with braces:

    You guyths, the commenterths on the other thite totally thsaid that the baltimore ravenths totally had male danthsers for like 20 yearsth already. Gaaah.

  3. I made it 17 seconds in and almost threw up. If I still watched the NFL, which I haven’t in years, I would not want to watch queers dancing. I don’t know why any men who aren’t gay who would want to watch them. I doubt lesbians would want to watch them. How many gay men are in the country that watch football?

  4. Brad, good question…..The Rams started in L.A. in 1946…..they moved to Anaheim in 1980, then to St.Louis in the early 90’s. Back to L.A. in 2015…

    Oakland was there for awhile and San Diego is there now as well…..It’s pretty clear that L.A.’s toilet flushes clockwise until the Rams move to Sydney Australia…..Does that clear it up?….LOL…

  5. When Roger Goodell implicitly said America is an Ugly Nation (10/17) I stopped watching. Did not watch the Super B for the first time since ’68!
    Never again, Roger. Goddell may hate America but I love America; always have, always will!

  6. this is absolutely hilarious! …
    “I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
    I feel pretty and witty and bright!
    And I pity any girl who isn’t me tonight.”

    go on … keep supporting the NFL …. LMFAO!!!

    has anyone ever tried to destroy their product any harder than the Not For Long?

    new contest … let’s rename the teams … The Pittsburgh Squealers, San Fran 69’er (they’re all Tight Ends, hoping to become Wide Receivers!), Washington Foreskins ….

  7. Are there any gay football player jokes left? This thread pretty much covered them.

    Yeah. This concept will sell well with American football fans.

    Can the NFL get anymore stupid.

    Kneelers and squealers? They are intentionally fucking up their business. Only explanation.

  8. I would go out and find the most naturally busty women in the area and give them a spot on the cheer squad to offset the lack of female breasts from these two dudes. Big boobs is how we can combat this type of jackassery. My motto is No Juggs, No Hugs.

  9. “It plays in California……in the rest of the US, not so much.”

    mexicans arn’t gay, the major league soccer team in la gets more fans in the seats than the rams and chargers combined.

  10. I grew up in So. Cal. and was an L.A. Rams fan in the 60’s. I wanted to be a Rams fan again because they moved back to L.A. Then the POS’s turned on Trump, took a knee and now this. Not now, not ever.

  11. Hahaha! Love when the imbecile liberal Teleprompter Reader from ABC says to the woman, “What sets these two men apart?”
    Correct Answer: A friggin’ CROWBAR!!!!

    And remember, anyone caught laughing at this obviously ludicrous display will be fired. Because, if it’s one thing that football fans love, it’s flaming men dancing!

  12. ML: ROFL
    My suggestions:

    Carolina Pranthers (gotta include the lisp)
    Tampa Bay Butt Pirates, or just Tampa Gay
    Tennessee Titanus
    Green Bay Fudge Packers
    Cincinatti Been-gals

    And the gay-favorite…
    Miami Dolphins (big tongue, can breathe through the back of their head)

  13. @Plantsman ~ well, even though I lick the screen when the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders come on …………. I totally agree w/ you!

    (but, it will cure me of the habit when the Village People ‘men in chaps’ appear!)


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