Rand Paul bill will stop Obama from taking grandma’s guns – IOTW Report

Rand Paul bill will stop Obama from taking grandma’s guns

rand paul fingers

StridentConservative:  America’s seniors are perhaps some of the most vulnerable to suffer under Obama’s nanny state socialist policies. From denying them healthcare to denying them their constitutional rights, nothing is off-limits.

guns and grandma

It was last July that I wrote a piece about a plan by the so-called constitutional scholar to deny seniors their Second Amendment rights if they were deemed to be mentally unstable — a reasonable consideration until you read the fine print to discover that the use of a fiduciary (third-party) to help grandma with her checkbook qualifies as a mental illness.

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6 Comments on Rand Paul bill will stop Obama from taking grandma’s guns

  1. I am not surprised that our Kenyan Communist Moslem-In-Chief is trying to unconstitutionally steal American senior citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights.

    1) Obama is a Progressive
    2) Progressivism is the American branch of Socialism, the other three branches of Socialism being Communism, Fascism and National Socialism (WWII Germany & current-day Venezuela)
    3) National Socialism grabbed all the citizenry’s guns immediately upon grabbing power. All branches of Socialism grab the guns once grabs power.
    4) National Socialism immediately began euthanizing (“legal” Government-run murder) what it called “useless mouths” – patients in insane asylums, cripples, OLD PEOPLE IN OLD PEOPLES HOMES.
    5) End Game – National Socialism cooked up “The Final Solution” at the Wannsee Conference, formalizing the genocidal Holocaust against mentally-handicapped, physically-handicapped, old people, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jews, small Christian sects such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.

    Every branch of Socialism is inherently EVIL. It’s in the foundation, the core, the bedrock of Socialism. Socialism cannot be anything other than EVIL once it fully takes root. Since it operates on principles that are totally opposite of human nature, it must use force, violent force, to impose its will over the citizens.

  2. Watch out America. If that is allowed, what will stop the government from using that argument to take over companies that use an independent accounting firm to write their checks, do their payroll, and take care of their taxes.

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