Rand Paul Decries Funding for Pakistan — They ‘Incarcerate Christians,’ ‘Burn Our Flag’ – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Decries Funding for Pakistan — They ‘Incarcerate Christians,’ ‘Burn Our Flag’

Breitbart Video: Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) referenced President Donald Trump’s recent tweet threatening Pakistan’s foreign aid and said the United States should not give foreign aid to countries who are our adversaries and deny human rights.

Paul said, “I think most Americans would support the president on this. Why don’t like to see our money going to countries that burn our flag? In Pakistan, they incarcerate Christians. There a Christian Asia Bibi that’s been on death row for five years. They put a Dr. Shakil Afridi in jail for 33 years. He’s the guy that helps us get bin Laden. They looked the other way that bin Laden was there over a decade. Yeah, Americans agree with the president. We ought to quit sending good money after bad. And what I discussed with the president, I have an idea for using some of that money at home. We have bridges, roads that need repair. Keep that money at home and put it to rebuilding our infrastructure here at home.”

He added, “Yeah, at the very least, if you give people money, they ought to be your friend and they ought to be your ally. There’s some question whether Pakistani intelligence cooperates with the network that kills our soldiers across the border in Afghanistan. So yes there should be conditions to it. We shouldn’t give money to countries that have mass protests burning our flag and put Christians in jail for gossip. Basically, someone said this woman said something bad about Islam. She denies it. She happens to be a Christian. Her name is Asia Bibi. They’ve had her in jail now for eight years.  There’s no reason in the world we should give them one penny when they put Christians in jail or put people in jail that helped to get us bin Laden. That shows to me to—makes me think that they don’t care about being our ally.  video

6 Comments on Rand Paul Decries Funding for Pakistan — They ‘Incarcerate Christians,’ ‘Burn Our Flag’

  1. as far as I am concerned these rat bastard congressmen can give all of their money they want to any nation they want but should be hung for giving away one penny of taxpayer dollars.

    why the hell are we giving any nation any money when we are borrowing to keep our nation going ?

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