Rand Paul Files Criminal Referral Against ‘Absolute Liar’ Fauci – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Files Criminal Referral Against ‘Absolute Liar’ Fauci

Summit News:
Senator Rand Paul has filed a criminal referral to the Department of Justice, asserting that Anthony Fauci lied while under oath concerning gain of function research in Wuhan being funded by Fauci’s NIH.

Paul forwarded copies of 2020 email exchanges that show Fauci confirming that he knew “scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments.” more

11 Comments on Rand Paul Files Criminal Referral Against ‘Absolute Liar’ Fauci

  1. I like Rand Paul, most of the time. But he also just stated on FOX News that it was way to early to start impeachment procedures on Biden. One of half a dozen Rs that are resisting removing the cancer from our country. I don’t get it. I think Rand Paul need some 1000 milligram testo shots right in the balls for about a month.

  2. Brad, I think you nailed this one.

    Rand probably does not want Camel Toe to get the Nod. Personally, Letting that DUMB BROAD run shit for a while might be exactly what undecideds NEED to SEE to swing them over to a more conservative/reasonable solution.

    But what do I know, i live among the ENSLAVED.


  3. Or, more smoke and mirrors.
    How many ground breaking new releases have failed to be released?
    Haven’t really seen any cracks yet.
    If the rats start jumping ship, we will know they are actually scared.
    Why would any of the wealthy rats stay in government, if they didn’t enjoy screwing over the little sheeple.


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