Rand Paul For Senate Leader? – IOTW Report

Rand Paul For Senate Leader?


For many conservative Republicans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s announcement that he would be stepping down from the leadership position evoked little more than a “good riddance.”

Of course, the names commonly mentioned as his potential replacements haven’t exactly sparked a great deal of confidence among right-wing Republicans.

But there’s one name, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), that has received a groundswell of grassroots support … and he recently acknowledged the growing demand for him to throw his hat in the ring. more

22 Comments on Rand Paul For Senate Leader?

  1. I’m not so sure. I can see him and Trump butting heads. And Trumps got some serious house cleaning to do. But then on the other hand, certainly better than Mitch the Bitch.

  2. Rand floated it a few days ago as a tweet, so he is interested.
    I can’t think of a better person, he more than anyone in all of Congress has an eye on the pork problem.

  3. I totally agree. We’ll see what happens.

    Pray that God will make it happen. It doesn’t matter what the left has planned, if God wants it, it will happen.

  4. LCD

    “has an eye on the pork problem”

    That’s what worries me. Not that I don’t agree with him. But the current clowns have our military in a world of hurt. Money needs to be spent. And a lot of it. Or, maybe we just need a strong individual making sure that monies going where it was suppose to. I dunno. I read today that our air force is currently incapable of keeping Russian Air force out of Alaska airspace. Not god.

  5. @Brad – I think that is completely separate from pork though, that is the DIE military policy, plus administrative misspending. Hell, Biden spends billion$ paying off student loans that Congress didn’t appropriate and that SCOTUS ruled was unconstitutional – and he does it anyway. And no matter what, too much money will be spent. Just need to send some of it in the right directions, and cut the rest.

  6. LCD, My concern is not with personnel or their woke crap. Which is in reality, the Chinese rendering us helpless. I’m confident Trump would address that day 1. But we are out of a lot of weapons and parts to keep anything mechanized running or flying. Probably a move to also satisfy the Chinese.

  7. LCD, My biz builds replacement part for the military. Primarily air frame parts but we do gun parts, tank parts etc. We see all of the quotes. And all of the awards. For the last year they’re ordering about 20% of the norm. When they do place an order it’s immediately expedited. The agency we deal with is The Defense Logistics Agency. They’re up to something. Contractors like myself think they’ve found a way to funnel that money to the Uke.
    One CR after anther isn’t helping either.

  8. Big improvement, but still mostly a barker not a biter. While he was “grilling” Fauci, his wife had invested in Remdesivir. Also, Dr. David Martin has specifically stated he personally verified incriminating documents to indict Fauci were handed to Rand.


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