Rand Paul on Fauci: Show me the evidence or mask mandate’s not about science, it’s about submission – IOTW Report

Rand Paul on Fauci: Show me the evidence or mask mandate’s not about science, it’s about submission

BPR: Senator Rand Paul spoke with Brian Kilmeade on “Fox News Primetime” Monday concerning Dr. Fauci and other medical professionals wanting Americans to wear masks and not question the State’s authority.

Kilmeade began by asking Paul if Fauci had changed his mind in any meaningful way. In the numerous confrontations between Paul and Fauci, it is obvious that Biden’s COVID advisor will never do that. Paul is a doctor himself and vociferously taken great issue with the mask mandate especially after someone has already been vaccinated.

The senator replied at length: “You see what his argument is. His argument is what if, what if these people can spread it? And my response is… show me the evidence. Show me the proof, you know, show me that people are transmitting this who have gotten vaccinated and there is no proof of that. In fact, the vaccine is doing very well. There have been almost no hospitalizations of someone who has been vaccinated. Been almost no deaths, I think zero deaths from people getting COVID and a vaccination. They are arguing you might be able to transmit it. All I’m saying is if you want me to wear a mask for two more years or three more years or for the rest of my life, why don’t you show me evidence? Why shouldn’t the burden be on the government to show us evidence that we are still somehow transmitting this?” more

5 Comments on Rand Paul on Fauci: Show me the evidence or mask mandate’s not about science, it’s about submission

  1. This is just to condition the people to accept they have to do what they are told and there is nothing they can do about it if they don’t like it.

    The laws aren’t in place yet, but they soon will be, that will allow the identification of non compliant types and their segregation in reeducation camps and such where they can either be rehabilitated or spend the rest of their remaining lives apart from proper society.

  2. “You need to have the vaccine in order to be allowed to do anything, but there may be variants that the vaccine does not protect anyone from so you still won’t be allowed to do much after you have the vaccine. Now you don’t want to question the science now, do you?”


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