Rand Paul Raises Concern About Trump’s Quest For Power – It’ll Simply Be Trump-Style Big Government – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Raises Concern About Trump’s Quest For Power – It’ll Simply Be Trump-Style Big Government

CNN – Forced to choose, Sen. Rand Paul says Donald Trump potentially becoming the Republican presidential nominee is more worrisome than Sen. Ted Cruz

“I do worry a little bit more about Donald Trump,” Paul told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Thursday. “The main reason I do is that I believe he wants more power to come to him and ‘he’ll take care of us all’ if we just give him more power, but I’m from a limited government tradition.”


The attack was an echo of attacks Paul made Wednesday, including comparing Trump to Gollum, a villain from “Lord of the Rings” who is corrupted by his quest for the powerful ring.

“I think what Trump wants is bad for America,” Paul said.

10 Comments on Rand Paul Raises Concern About Trump’s Quest For Power – It’ll Simply Be Trump-Style Big Government

  1. “I think what Trump wants is bad for America,” Paul said.

    That’s a humdinger of a quote.

    Trump wants:
    Secure borders, a return to a sovereign nation, refusing Syrian and other muslim refugees and potential immigrants until they can be properly vetted/getting the gulf nations to ante up for a Syrian safe zone over there, building a state-of-the-art military and giving them the support they need as CiC, getting to the bottom of gov’t corruption especially at the VA, and I could go on and on.

    So hard to imagine Paul really saying this. It sounds like blarney.

    Trump (and Cruz) want what Americans want. The only thing neither of them has talked about, and I wish they would, is getting us out of the U.N. If either of them would just make one little mention of it, there goes the ballgame for Clinton/Sanders.

  2. QUOTE – Of course, that’s what Trump SAYS he wants. But I understand that people sometimes say exactly what they think people want to hear…not me, of course, but some….QUOTE

    Exactly right! This guy is saying exactly what the conservatives want here. And yet Trumps past history shows he believes nothing he is promising everyone who is falling for his crap. Its like all the Obama suckers who believed his promises have transferred a disease to make conservatives believe the lies and just dismiss Trumps leftist past.

  3. I will NEVER again believe the sincerity, on ANY conservative issue, of any commenters here or on the other blogs who continue to support Donnie-boy knowing he just flat is NOT a conservative.
    I will be pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump supporters who ever again want to act “conservative” for years and years to come. And there will be no acceptable excuse for it with all that is known about Donnie-boy.
    Ignoring blatant facts have a way of bomeranging back and smacking you on the head.

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