Rand Paul ripped McCain and Graham some new ones – IOTW Report

Rand Paul ripped McCain and Graham some new ones


Emily Nowak for Liberty Writers reports, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has had enough of RINOs and, as the Senate begins negotiating its budget and tax reform, decided to let loose on Republican Senators John McCain (AZ) and Lindsey Graham (SC) for not being fiscally responsible with American tax dollars.


h/t TD

16 Comments on Rand Paul ripped McCain and Graham some new ones

  1. The only reason McCain and Miss Lindsey are being reelected time after time is that they come from open primary states where Democrats come in and put them over the top during the primaries, screwing over their states’ conservative bases. The Republican Party needs to convert these states to closed primaries.

  2. Lets hope he stays on our side. We need him.
    Love Rand or dislike him , he knows these Rino’s well, and can expose them , like he just did.
    I think that Trump has turned him to our side and will use him to help us in the fight against the uni-party.
    Slow but sure Trump is changing things in DC.
    Stay true to your convictions and you will see the change that is taking place. It is happening.
    We are Winning.
    Light will overcome the dark.

  3. … & Randboy has already come out & stated he may not vote for Trump’s tax reform …. & Raphael Theodore said he might not support it either … go figure
    … that leaves Quisling Collins to cast the ‘nail in the coffin’ vote … oh joy!

    “I really, really wanted to vote for it …. but …. my ‘principles’ …. yeah, that’s it …. ‘principles'”

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