Donald Trump just endorsed the worst Deep State candidate this cycle. @MikeRogersForMI is a never Trumper, and a card carrying member of the spy state that seeks to destroy Trump.
— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 11, 2024
You have to ask yourself who gives Trump this awful advice?
Who’s next, John Bolton?
66 Comments on Rand Paul Slams Huge Trump Misstep
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DJT can change his mind!
Rand Paul is right! What the hell is Trump thinking?
Trump is the guy we need… but he is 90% spot-on and 10% off the rails, just making dumb statements that make him look really bad.
Rand Paul is a great, consistent guy. I hope he has a large role with the Trump administration, as senator or otherwise. And I sure wouldn’t mind seeing him take the oath in 2029. The Calvin Coolidge of our time.
I don’t know much about Mike Rogers, but if those video clips are indicative then Rand Paul makes an accurate point. Sadly, the question of who advises Trump of who he should endorse and/or appoint as an administration member has dogged him since the beginning. We used to attribute his bad choices to being an outsider, but he has had seven years to learn who’s for him and who’s again’ him.
Well, Trump DOES listen to Laura Loomer so there’s that…
Mike Lee has been changing his tune a LOT lately. I’m not a big fan. I dunno. Maybe they talked. He’s been steadily inching his way toward Trump ever since the Biden appointment. But so have a lot of people. Mike Lee is probably someone I would want on my side if I could control him.
He took a swipe at Megyn Kelly the other day;
So dumb, on so many levels.
Megyn is not a Trump cheerleader but routinely talks about the great things he did and the contrast to what we have now. Speaking ill of those that do not speak ill of you and can assist you in your goals, not smart.
Rich, that is one of my biggest issues with Trump.
Craps all over allies.
Short sighted & politically suicidal…
“The 2015 debate between former Fox News journalist Megyn Kelly and former president Donald Trump continues to stir new controversies even after decades.”
So 8+ years amounts to decades now? Damn, you’d think MSN could afford a couple proofreaders. Gots to be DEI.
^^^^ Yea, Trump that stupid man. He’s going to rap up the nomination this week end. Earliest ever,
I hope he does “Baby Got Back”
Actually, Trump’s new campaign slogan should be Return of the Mack…
Megyn Kelly is INDEED an ally you want on your side:
Brad, as much as you don’t like Rich or Loco, if you can’t admit that Trump’s unfiltered mouth is a his biggest weakness then you’re whistlin past the graveyard.
I love Trump. I believe with all my heart and soul that this country needs Trump. But his unfiltered mouth will be his downfall. That, and another stolen election by the dems. Both can be overcome, if the will is there.
“if you can’t admit that Trump’s unfiltered mouth is a his biggest weakness ”
Have you seen the polls? I think most people realize we’re in such a dire situation nobody cares.
Wait, Brad doesn’t like ME???
Rich, I understand, he’s a fed-poster after all…
His response to Meghan Kelly in 2016 is unforgettable–ONLY Rosie O!!!
It was at that moment I just KNEW
Bitch McConnell probably or Lindsay Grahamnesty gave him advice.
“…Have you seen the polls? I think most people realize we’re in such a dire situation nobody cares…”
First of all, polls mean nothing – especially this far out from the election – do you remember the 2022 “red tsunami” that turned into a red trickle?
And secondly, whether you care to admit it or not, the mushy middle independents decide the election. And they by and large are emotion driven, not logic and reality driven.
So, take comfort in your polls if you so wish, but me, I’d rather gave somebody knock Trump’s ego down a few notches.
Trump has this wrapped up for now but he’ll do well to shut up and leave his ego out of things.
In fact his inability to think before speaking at times is what keeps many on the fence.
Edit: When I said “…I’d rather have somebody knock Trump’s ego down a few notches…” I meant someone close to him, NOT an opponent. Someone who can give him sound advice.
don’t sk fag/gun control/vaxx **** again, u might make it
^^^^ “Sir, this is a Wendy’s”
Either you’re on the Trump train or you’re on the pedo train with all the pedocrats. We don’t want pedos on the Trump train.
“…don’t sk fag/gun control/vaxx **** again, u might make it…”
WTF does that mean and whoTF are talkin to?
@ecp – “…Either you’re on the Trump train or you’re on the pedo train with all the pedocrats. We don’t want pedos on the Trump train…”
Who here is not on the Trump train?
call it an admonition to djt, figure it for yourself – very simple. or go back to school.
Trump2024 or BUST!
His past administration was a small version of the swamp…a wading pool sort of. Deep enough to drown him for sure. Next let’s talk about his continued praise of the mRNA death jab and its DEADLY AND CANCEROUS technology.
Getting back to the topic, if you are going to endorse someone who has said so many bad things about you in the past, shouldn’t this endorsement be made after the offender of the past insults (Rodgers) has made the required apologies and mea culpas in public?
Yes, Trump bridge building and getting fellow Republicans on board is a good thing, considering has many Republicans still view him unfavorably and will not vote for him (31% now and 51% if he is a convicted felon). But it was Rogers who threw down first and it he who must come out publicly and enthusiastically endorse Trump first before Trump should do anything to help Rogers.
Well, currently Brad has me relegated to the Trump Greyhound…
“…call it an admonition to djt, figure it for yourself – very simple. or go back to school…”
I think o figured it when you said “admonition to djt”, but you have a very strange cryptic way of making your points. Don’t be afraid to speak clearly and explicitly. Not everyone can read your mind.
Yeah stirrin, edjumacite yourself!
i’m for djt. but support for fags/trans-its, gun control, & vaxx will cost him votes in maga land.
“…i’m for djt. but support for fags/trans-its, gun control, & vaxx will cost him votes in maga land…”
I got that, but don’t be so arrogant and cryptic in your message delivery. You’ll find that your audience will grow.
“i’m for djt. but support for fags/trans-its, gun control, & vaxx will cost him votes in maga land”
So who’s your candidate?
I guess I don’t understand how one expects to be perfect. It seems every time Trump does something that doesn’t make sense he gets hammered.
Perfection doesn’t exist.
Maybe he had a great talk with Rogers? (as was previously mentioned). Understood that one of Trump’s failings is being too trustworthy. It would be refreshing if he just stayed away from the RINOs, but without some support from them he won’t be able to get much done (see Paul Ryan…)
“…Yeah stirrin, edjumacite yourself!
What can I say, I’m one of the dumber Trump supporters on this site. Sigh…
Exactly. If your that butt hurt follow your conscience. After all, everything is just fine. Very stupid people.
Hmmm, perfection?
The fact that Ron DeSantis invited former Florida Governor Jeb Bush to his inauguration was disqualifying to some people here.
Physician, heal thyself…
@fullmetal256 Tuesday, 12 March 2024, 15:59 at 3:59 pm –
Good comment. Too many people expect perfection, which only resides in one being.
As they say, perfection is the enemy of good. But with enough good, our man Trump can can Make America GREAT again. I agree with Pinko, Trump ’24 or bust!
Yeah.. I’m having a bad day, so be it.
I still believe people put Trump on too high of a pedestal, so every misstep is hammered – and yes, this is most likely a misstep.
The main issue for me with DeSantis was that he was funded by RINOs and controlled by RINOs. However, in the end he did endorse Trump, so that may be his starting point. FWIW I really did like him before he became a Presidential candidate.
“I still believe people put Trump on too high of a pedestal, so every misstep is hammered – and yes, this is most likely a misstep.”
I defend Trump here non stop from old ladies picking at scabs. So I have a tendency to over compensate. But if you’re still believing that gun control crap based off a bump stock you don’t think so good and should probably not voter for him. My God do some research. Bottom line, they should name a better candidate, especially at this point in time.
I’m having a rough day too. So don’t feel like the Lone Ranger.
When Trump picks Kristi Noem for VP it will go a long way to show he is serious.
Please please please don’t pick a black dude!
That can only go wrong…
@LBS – “…Please please please don’t pick a black dude!..”
I agree, not yet anyway. We have far more immediate serious issues to address than checking the “black” box. If DJT is successful in ’24, then ’28 would be a golden opportunity for a black conservative.
He ain’t perfect, but he has done his best to deliver. More than I’ve seen from any establishment Republican EVER
Stirrin the Pot, I agree with you. At this point Trump is our only slimmer of hope for this country, but he has to shut the hell up about the death jab and quit endorsing the enemies. Someone shared a video of him just last week praising the damn thing.
I warned people the last time he needed to fire Fauci and Birx and take Pence out of control of covid and shut the hell up about warp speed and ventilators. We were traveling all over, I could see by the signs that he could be in trouble in a close election in addition to the drop boxes we knew they were going to put everywhere.
You need every damn legal vote when they steal the way they do. You have people who have lost their family members due to the death jab. You have people who lost their jobs. You have businesses who went bankrupt during the shutdowns. You need those people to vote and not stay at home.
I pissed people off the last time by warning what I was seeing and hearing. Trump lost a lot of trust due to covid and then he lost a lot of trust for putting bad people in his administration. He lost some trust among gun owners for the bump stock ban and frankly it doesn’t matter if you or he thinks these people are idiots, their vote is needed.
I have also admitted I’m one of those who lost confidence in Covid Trump, I will of course vote for him, but I’m one person and one person in a state that they can’t cheat enough to win in a Presidential race.
If you want perfection, then vote for Biden. He’s the perfect leftist useful idiot.
At this time your in for a penny, in for a pound. Kind of late for this shit. Weak indecisive people will cause Civil War II.
Mike Pence
Jeff Sessions
Rod Rosenstein
Christopher Wray (a protégé of rabid anti-Trumper Andrew Weissman…?)
Bill Barr
Just a few of Trumps stellar endorsements. SMH
No to Kristi Noem for VP.
I think she’s an airhead with good intentions. Not up to the job of being chief administrator of the friggin Federal Government.
Brad, that may be what you get. I’ve had people tell me until he can admit the death jab and warp speed was a mistake by relying on the wrong people, they don’t trust him enough to vote for him.
I get where they’re coming from I lost my mother, aunt, cousins and friends to the death jab. At first when he would praise them I would see red. I’ve just came to terms with it, it’s Trump or Biden and I had to put my feelings of grief and anger aside.
Some can’t hear him say it and do that, they haven’t gotten to that point.
I know gun owners who only vote on one issue and if a guy isn’t 150% pro-gun they won’t vote. The bump stock band and talk of red flag laws kept them home last time.
To think only demorat voters vote on one issue is wrong, I know and have known many conservatives who are one or two issue voters as well.
Then I know some who don’t give a shit and trust nobody running for Government office, so nothing he did or said could change their minds. Then I know some who believe him going along with Fauci proved he is dangerous and they also won’t change their minds. However, there are some who would, but he has to shut the praise of the death jabs up. He has to reassure those also that believe he will just surround himself with establishment again.
Yelling at those people that they have no choice or are going to start a Civil War is only going to make them dig deeper in.
1. If not for POTUS Trump’s bad appointments and endorsements, the size of the Swamp would never have been apprehended by most people — including many who comment here.
2. If not for his ego and his comments, he wouldn’t be Trump at all.
3. God made us all different. . . so we could criticize each other.
4. God doesn’t pick perfect people, he picks people perfect for the job. (I’ve seen this repeated across the blogosphere.)
Do not vote for him. We don’t need you. Write in who you think can handle the shit storm coming towards us. It’s just that simple.
Hey there lil’ txfella Tuesday, 12 March 2024, 20:04 at 8:04 pm –
Why don’t you throw your hat into the ring for president. Assuming you’re an outsider like Trump, and assuming you win and assuming you shock and scare the DC establishment with your victory, tell me who you would appoint, nominate or endorse for the many administration positions necessary to run the country.
“Brad, that may be what you get. I’ve had people tell me until he can admit the death jab and warp speed was a mistake by relying on the wrong people, they don’t trust him enough to vote for him.”
And that’s fine. It’s way to late for this shit. Write in your favorite candidate and get prepared for the camps. You think I’m joking? Where were you during the primaries? Loser shit.
Typical Trump… nine steps forwards followed by ten steps back. I’ll vote for him because FJB is evil, but I still think Trump is a fkn idiot who never thinks things thru and never knows when to keep his big fat mouth shut.
“ his big fat mouth shut.” His big fat mouth has some of his critics fearing him, they don’t want any of his nicknames being stuck on them. I’m looking forward to some mean tweets too! We need Trump more now than before!
Well looky looky, The Mule thinks Trump is a dumb ass. Here’s my experience. Shortly after elected Trump introduced Tarrif on China finished product. We saw an almost immediate 10% increase in business. Then he did the same with raw material. Particularly aluminum. Which is still in effect.We saw another 10% increase in business. Then Trump lowered tax rates on companies that had the bulk of their assets off shore. He repatriated a shit ton of money back in our banks. Trump opened up all the drilling for oil. We were actually exporting oil for a good profit financially hurting the terrorists, buying down our federal deficit.
I could go on for a while. I’m wondering what Mule does for a living and how much per shovel load.
I’m done with the politics here. But I will make a prediction. The United States is about ready to be divided up into sectors. If you’re a Trump hater stay were you belong. It’s an IQ test and you failed.
LOL – I love when people say Trump is a “fkn idiot.”
What year were you president? Where’s your name on a building?
DJT doesn’t do anything without vetting it out…and no one makes decisions for him….could Mike Rogers be an actor in the show we’re all watching…huumm
Brad, unlike you I’m not telling these people that. Instead I try reasoning with them, but Trump doesn’t help when he won’t stop praising the jab. For one I understand, I lost family due to the shot, I hate that thing with every fiber of my being. For two, I care about my country and the future for my grandchildren. I understand we need every vote to hope to overcome the cheating. I don’t want a repeat.
As for it’s too late for this shit, all Trump has to do is quit praising the shot, someone should tell him that. He should think about the people who have lost family and people who now are ill and injured due to the shot. In the meantime I will continue talking to these people who are actually in states that matter, unlike mine or yours that doesn’t matter, mine will go Red, yours will go Blue. I won’t belittle them.
Sometimes I really like you other times you make me want to take you out behind the woodshed.
Yes, President Trump talks too much, but if you notice most of his conversation on social media he’s talking about the character flaws of idiotic leftist tools…not details of his strategies to restore America. That’s the key. The talk is part of his personality, but also subterfuge.
While his enemies are going ballistic about his name calling and blatant statement about the fact he will bulldoze the left’s policies, he is working behind the scene to weaken the left.
Don’t doubt he’s talking with big oil execs, moving to sabotage and get control of leftist crony tech firms and increase conservative media influence. As well as, working with friendly movers and shakers like Elon Musk.
Meeting with Laken Riley’s parents, going to the border, continuing to have huge campaign rallies, undermining the crooked Demoncrats DA’s who are trying to send him to prison and trolling Biden at every turn is making President Trump popular evem with Demwits.
He’s having an effect on the world stage as well. A number of world leaders can’t wait until he’s back in the White House – Netanyahu, for one. Argentina’s President, Javier Milei adores President Trump and models his administration after him. If Putin was honest, he also misses President Trump, because he loves the competition.
BTW, It’s time to get a grip on how President Trump keeps harping on the Covid jab. He’s goal as a mogul was to solve a problem. To him, that was very successful. From his perspective he got the ball rolling and found a solution.
The fact that the Deep State decided to turn the vaccine into a weaponized genocidal tool was not President Trump’s intention. He definitely needs to make that clear.
Those complaining about Trump chatter should think twice. Trump is out witting the left on a level they aren’t clever enough to challenge.
Hang in there. Despite of President Trump’s imperfections, they don’t outweigh the incredible benefits of his leadership that has and will “Make America Great Again” once more.
Rand Paul would be a good choice to replace the “Turtle” McConnell. He would keep President Trump and Senate conservatives grounded and more focused.
I think what people miss are Trump was responsible for Warp Speed, Trump takes credit for it and the jab saying it saved lives.
These were Trump voters, people who trusted Trump, some that’s why they got it.
One man I know from North Carolina, his wife got the first shot, went home, went to bed that night, he woke up to her dead in the morning.
A woman I know in Minnesota, her husband was forced at work to take it or lose his job. He took the first one and seemed to be okay, took the second one and two days later died from a massive stroke. They have 4 children that she is now left alone to raise.
I could go on and on all day of similar stories. Put yourself in their shoes and think how you’d feel hearing Trump praise them. Would you honestly want to vote for a man praising what you know took your loved one’s life?