Rand Paul Stands With Trump – Slams Romney as a Big Government Pol – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Stands With Trump – Slams Romney as a Big Government Pol


Romney’s op-ed drew the ire of Republicans across the board. Republican Party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who is Mitt Romney’s niece, called the op-ed “disappointing and unproductive” on Twitter.

McDaniel tweeted, “POTUS is attacked and obstructed by the MSM media and Democrats 24/7. For an incoming Republican freshman senator to attack @realdonaldtrump as their first act feeds into what the Democrats and media want and is disappointing and unproductive.”

13 Comments on Rand Paul Stands With Trump – Slams Romney as a Big Government Pol

  1. Mitt has been a Bush/Obama/Rove UNIPARTY guy for 35 years. Bush/Obama/Rove are “Big Govt” men.

    The Bush/Obama/ Rove UNIPARTY has supported RomneyCare for 18 years. Think back 5.5 years when Ted led a failed filibuster against Romneycare. The Bush/Obama men(?) called hiM a “wacko bird”! Mitt was not in Congress but he was, AND STILL IS, on the Bush/Obama UNIPARTY TEAM!

  2. It’s a good thing that the GOP picked up a couple of extra seats in the election. There’s a bit of a buffer now when a GOP Senator decides to vote against the President and when one does and loses he/she knows they’ll have to explain themselves to their constituents. Romney is going to have to watch his step because I suspect even the RINO’s don’t care for him very much.

  3. He was protected in 12. Now it’s going to come out. When you learn how fucking corrupt Mitt is, and how deep his ties into database collections are, it will make Facebook Zuckerberg look like Boy Scout.

  4. Mitt just wants a big Uniparty love fest at his funeral like Maverick got. I hope he gets his wish. And I hope they lash the casket to the top of the hearse for the ride to the graveyard.

  5. How’s your health care idea (Obamacare) workin’ out for ya, Mitt? Dude, you lost ALL credibility with the Conservative base of the Republican Party with that piece of bullshit, ALONE! Any further objections are not required. Only Liberals will listen to you now. You’re in the wrong party.

  6. Tired of holding my nose for these fucks. Romney is more representative of the Republican Party than conservatives who vote Republican.

    They are just biding their time. Some don’t want to wait until 2024. They want to sabotage it and get the Uniparty back in by 2020.

    I never gave a shit about Mormonism before Romney but if he is their representative, well, fuck those people.

  7. Trump handily won the Presidency after trouncing all others in the primaries.

    Romney couldn’t beat obola, whose touch could turn anything to shit!

    Romney sure is a cheeky little monkey!


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