Rand Paul – “Trump is Not a Conservative” – IOTW Report

Rand Paul – “Trump is Not a Conservative”

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24 Comments on Rand Paul – “Trump is Not a Conservative”

  1. I think when The Donald said he was giving money so they would do what he tells them, he essentially means so they WON’T do what they are suppose to. How is a business man suppose to run their business in this day in age without exemptions to overreaching broad policy? The answer is you can’t unless there is someone or something to pay off so they leave you alone.

  2. No, Trump has never really been a conservative but if he can get some conservative stuff done then so be it.
    Many people forget that Rudy Guiliani ran as a Republican for NYC mayor BUT he also had the endorsement of NY’s Liberal Party.
    How’d that all work out for conservatives? GREAT!
    He completely turned NYC around.

  3. Agree with Magnum….

    Cruz/Carson/Walker/etc would be wise to pick Trump as VP.

    -To keep him from running as a third party.
    -To use as an effective attack dog.
    -To keep the Senate in check as the tie-breaker.

  4. Not necessarily.
    As far as my (and your, I’d guess) preference goes, yes.

    In the real world, we’ll see how things shake out.
    BUT: if you asked me to take a guess “who, if it’s not !Cheb!”, I’d say this would be more likely than the other way around.

  5. Don’t get caught up in wishful thinking.
    It’s VERY counterproductive.

    WHO has momentum?
    I don’t see flocks rushing to Cruz et al…do you?

    I have my preference (Cruz), but it’s a clear frontrunner who will decide.

    I’m well aware we’re miles away from the Primaries, and lots will happen in the meanwhile. Just be careful to keep your wishes in perspective.

  6. Spot on, Irony.

    Trump is the antidote to the hair-shirt wearing purists among us who value their own masturbatory principals over country.

    See, for example, the five million asshats who sat at home in 2012, who just couldn’t back Mittens, even though his agenda and message lined up with about 90% of what they hold dear. A Romney presidency would have been n American Renaissance compared to the shit we’re mired in now. So he will replace them, like Reagan did, with people who aren’t so blinkered by fealty to political parties who have, by the way, fucked them over for a generation, and that can see that Donald will achieve 80% of what REALLY matters, and the rest might even sort itself out.

    Look. I hate abortion. I hate Planned Parenthood, I hate ObamaCare, I hate the EPA, the NEA, the DoE, the United Nations, NAFTA, the NSA, OSHA, well, you get it. Lots to hate any more.

    But ya wanna know what I REALLY hate? I REALLY HATE a moribund American economy that’s so hamstrung by illegal immigrants, welfare cheats, lazy worthless welfare chugging human remoras, no manufacturing base, cheap Chinese crap filling our stores, our hospitals and schools jammed with people who don’t even give a shit about our rules or our culture or or language. I hate our kids having a diminished future compared to us. I hate being a middle aged guy who’s worked his ASS OFF his whole life as my retirement slips further and further out of sight due to a dying building industry withering because of all of the shit I’ve listed above.

    Even if ya like hanging from the government titty, understand that the fucker is dried out because we’ve killed the Cow of American Entrepreneurship. Ya want your freebies? Then vote for Trump so we can get the American engine screaming again, and watch those tax coffers start to bulge again!

    And for those who are so ideologically pure that they can’t see what’s really going on here? We’ll miss ya, but I don’t think we’ll need ya.

  7. I like Ted Cruz. But he’s no Trump. Look at the resumes. For what needs to be done Cruz is an amateur . Besides Trumps too use to calling the shots and I doubt that he would consider being someones V.P. Trump/Cruz for 8 years and than Cruz/? for another 8.

  8. I like to see Trump announce that he wants Elizabeth Warren to be his running mate…..and then 15 seconds later say, “PSYCH !!!”

    I wonder how many heads could explode during that 15 seconds…..


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