Random Drug Test in the White House Would Seem Appropriate About Now – IOTW Report

Random Drug Test in the White House Would Seem Appropriate About Now

cbs news

A substance discovered in the White House complex that caused a brief shutdown of the facility Sunday evening tested positive for cocaine soon after it was found, according to two law enforcement officials and a recording of a radio dispatch from that night.

The substance was found in a common area of the West Wing, which houses the Oval Office and offices of some of the president’s top aides and support staff. A senior law enforcement official told CBS News the substance was found in a storage facility in a cubby routinely used by White House staff and guests to store cell phones. More

19 Comments on Random Drug Test in the White House Would Seem Appropriate About Now

  1. The place will be a ghost town if you let the users go.
    I’m all for testing everyone from the highest office holder to the janitorial workers and all staff/employees.

  2. Different Tim at 4:22 pm

    The place will be a ghost town if you let the users go.
    I’m all for testing everyone from the highest office holder to the janitorial workers and all staff/employees.

    Yeah, and we all know how that jab went with leaders rolling up their sleeves to show the world they were getting the jab. How do i know they’re lying? Cuz not one single one of them died or showed any kind of detrimental health.

  3. Mandatory tests to enter – every-FUCKING-one!
    From the Retarded Pedophile Usurper to the cleaning crew to the SS and the EPS.

    Anything less is dereliction.

    Of course, we all know that nothing will happen. “Dereliction” is the watchword of the DOJ, the FBI, and the SS (the SS is probably scoring the dope for Hunter).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It is Crazy Joes prescription cocaine! He uses it for medicine, which he needs to make him appear somewhat active and awake, but more often it makes him appear to be high!

  5. It was Humper, everyone knows it was Humper, it could not be anyone but Humper.

    He has violated his plea agreement and that why they are so desperate to cover it up. The Pedo thought keeping Humper as a prisoner would work, they are all idiots.

    Can you imagine the panic and stress in that WH? Hopefully Humper will push the Pedo into another aneurysm. It’s just glorious…

  6. @LocoBlancoSaltine — Hunter has obviously been protected by the most powerful of TPTB, as you and I recognize. Not a smidgen of doubt! But my thinking is that there has to be a growing realization among a growing number of those PTB that ol’ Hunter’s value has long since evaporated and the liability he represents to people and plans just keeps growing. Grow, grow, grow! Like stage IV bone cancer.

    Sooner or later (and I think it’ll be sooner) they’ll cut their losses. It’ll be another case of SADS, and anyone claiming otherwise had better have their life insurance heavied up.

  7. So what legal pill do you think Dr. Jill is on?
    No way anyone could handle Joey Shitpants without “Mother’s Little Helper” or something like it…


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