Random House Won’t Publish German Politician/Author Who Once Said That Uneducated Middle Eastern Refugees Are Making Germany Stupid – IOTW Report

Random House Won’t Publish German Politician/Author Who Once Said That Uneducated Middle Eastern Refugees Are Making Germany Stupid


Berlin (AFP) – Publishing giant Random House has declined to release a new book by controversial German politician-turned-author Thilo Sarrazin over fears it could whip up anti-Muslim hatred, Bild daily reported Friday.

The dispute, which will be heard before a court in Munich on Monday, revolves around Sarrazin’s new book “Hostile Takeover — How Islam Hampers Progress and Threatens Society”.

In 2010 Sarrazin, a former central banker and Berlin state finance minister, published the incendiary book “Germany Does Away With Itself”, arguing that undereducated Muslim migrants were making the country “more stupid”.

The volume became a runaway bestseller and is now seen as having helped pave the way for the anti-Islam Alternative for Germany party which entered parliament last year with nearly 100 deputies.


ht/ fdr in hell

7 Comments on Random House Won’t Publish German Politician/Author Who Once Said That Uneducated Middle Eastern Refugees Are Making Germany Stupid

  1. Well Yea! Ever see the electro-pneumatic-mechanical
    pressure & oxygen apparatus underneath the pilot’s
    seat on a ME-109 Nazi fighter? Well I have in
    length & detail.It is so intricate and made like a
    Rolex. BB would be impressed.I kept telling the
    owner “How in the heck did they produce this in 1942”.
    People in Africa at that time were living in tents
    and cooking on camel dung.The people in the south were
    messed up.They ate each other and made slaves of their
    neighbors when they weren’t gyrating wildly from the effects
    of LSD root tea….

  2. “The author is free to publish his book at any time with another house”

    As long as he gets to keep the advance, call it free publicity and use another publisher. (Or self publish, now that Random House has made the title famous.)

  3. Well, it is kind of a – which came first the chicken or the egg kind of question.
    It wasn’t very smart to let large numbers of them in to begin with. Now that they’re there, regaining the wisdom to stop digging the pit deeper becomes more difficult to acknowledge.


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