Images from:
1) Nashland (Whitetail deer we named Penelope) This little one was born on our front lawn in TX.
2) Anymouse (Treed Coon) Soon-to-be Son-in-Law’s coon hound, named Walter, treed him.
3) Anymouse (Walter) And then the damned coon pissed on me!
4) NAAC (Kilo and Logan) The boys, recharging.
5) Grampy126 (Arby) Australian Shepherd. Loves to chase lasers and play in the water. Very smart doggie. Loves his Mom.
6) Eugenia (Samson)
7) Marco (Jameson) Enjoying the sun.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
- 7-3, Independence Day – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Flags, fireworks and critters. Either dressed up or whatever.
- 7-10, Say Cheeeeeeese – Critters grin. We know that! So, capture some pictures of them, ok? You can also capture those poses we know they make when they know a camera is around.
- 7-17, Glorious Summer Sunshine – Critters enjoying the sunshine.
Thanks to all our contributors!
…nice bunch of babies to start the week with, thanks Lady C.
…but I’m guessing that Walter didn’t get his coon, Anymouse? I mean, he did HIS part, where’s his human to finish the job?
…a coonskin cap picture would be an appropriate reply…;)
When it still has spots on it ,the whole thing will fit in a crock pot. /jk
Have a wonderful day Owners!
Nice way to start the week!
Thanks, Claudia!
I miss all my kitties. Thank you.
I look forward to the critters every Sunday!
I’m told Walter still smells like coon piss even after his unwanted bath…
Urban Coon Hound as in house pet/dog.
All beautiful. Thanks!
With proper training, a man can become a dog’s best friend. Jamie and I have been best friends for nine years now.
Anymouse , have you tried the tomato juice bath ? It does work with skunk spray .
Genipero JUNE 26, 2022 AT 3:46 PM
Not my hound. Will suggest the hydrogen peroxide, dawn liquid & baking soda to them the next time I talk to them. Believe that one works…
If you have ever wondered if a skunk can run out of juice to spray… Seen one spray more times than you might count while in a live trap. Story for another time unless you might ask my neighbors about it.
Anymouse, your method sounds way better. Poor Walter is an amazing Coon Hound . Used to walk one for a neighbor and lucky for me we didn’t spot any racoons but the gal could run !!! Can imagine that the skunk in a trap was just spraying for dear life , poor fella .