Images from:
1) Anonymous (American Goldfinch) Beautiful little male American Goldfinch eating cone flower seeds in my garden.
2) Bo Diddley (Deer) Curious fallow.
3) Bo Diddley (Deer) Fallow window shopping.
4) Old Guy (Dragonfly) The red dragonfly on his favorite spot overlooking the koi.
5) Steve Brown (Spider) I was backing down my driveway the other day and when I glanced at the rear view camera screen this is what I saw! Yikes – I thought Utah had been invaded by some of those Florida spiders! The actual spider wasn’t nearly as intimidating.
6) Marco (Miguel and Frankie) My daughter’s young cat and her old dog.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
9-15 Shhhhh, I’m Sleeping – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – What are your critter’s sleeping habits? Do they nap together or with you? Do they have strange places they like to sleep? – Theme idea from Old Guy.
9-29 You Are My Bestest Buddy – Are YOU your critter’s bestest buddy, or do they have a toy or other critter as their bestest buddy?
Thanks for your wonderful submissions, contributors!
Sweet respite. Thank you Claudia. I hope you all have a great new week.
Miguel: “Mom! Frankie farted!”
(sorry, I couldn’t resist)
Just the other day two young spike bucks were trying to fight in my back yard. They raised up on their back legs and then bumped their chests together. Unfortunately they stopped after one attempt and I wasn’t able to grab my phone in time to get it on film.
@Steve Brown-the same thing happened to me!!!
Good thing my Mazda3 goes fast!! Zoom-zoom. That spider had the ride of his life!
All wonderful photos!
Anonymous, I might try growing purple coneflowers; we have American Goldfinches here, too. They are so pretty!
Cool pix!
Always appreciate the Sunday Critters. My two Irish Terriers, Redmond and Simon, think I’m the smartest person in their lives. I appreciate their good judgment.