Random iOTWr Critters – IOTW Report

Random iOTWr Critters

Images from:

1) Russian Bot (Ash)
2) Dadof4 (Burro) This little guy is about 3 feet tall at the back. So, would we call this guy a burrito? A little burro?
3) SNS (A dog) and his duck.
4) NAAC (Hawk) Son’s visitor. He often scores in their yard.
5) Claudia (Pistol and Sammy) being taunted by a sparrow. I’m sure they are thinking, ‘Saute in butter or rotisserie’?
6) NAAC (Simon) Son’s name for him – ‘Simon rolling fat’. You can learn a lot from a cat.
7) Old guy (Eugenia) She had a wonderful disposition and provided great opportunities for photos.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 04-17, Easter – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at noon! Disaster averted. PC crashed this am, took it to Geek Squad after church and it’s all better!
  • 04-24, While You Were Out – What do our critters do when we are away???
  • 05-1, Sing A Song – Do your critters like to meow, bark, tweet, snort, or bellow? Let’s see them. Wild critters, too!

Thank you, contributors!

13 Comments on Random iOTWr Critters

  1. Morning Claudia, thanks for the posting.

    Did I not include Skippy’s name? Just as well, “A Dog And His Duck” sounds better anyway.

    Poor Skippy hasn’t known what to do with himself since his lifelong freind Mini passed, and with his Mama recovering from her surgery he doesn’t have a lot of options. Sure, he can go bark at the beautiful all-white German Shepherd girl next door, but the size difference is too much fir them to actually play together.

    What to do?

    Ducky to the rescue!

    …sorry if you can’t see it, Tim – FJB. APRIL 10, 2022 AT 8:18 AM, it seems allright to me, but here’s a wonderful portrait BFH did of him that really captured him, so just imagine a long cloth duck in his paws and its kind of that…


    Have a wonderful Lord’s Day,

    God Bless,

  2. SNS – I too didn’t see it at first. My first thought was two stuffed animals on the carpet, then,a giant wooley worm with a duck doll. Then finally upon closer examination, I saw a little eye looking out under all that fur.

    The next pic shows us the inspiration for the name Hawkeye Pierce.

    Thanks to those who take the time to submit their pics giving Claudia her content to post each Sunday. Have a wonderful day all.

  3. NAAC — Simon ‘Rolling Fat’ sure has his staff trained! How many times a day are you called by him to fill his food dish?!

    We’ve got a male orange tabby who tried to pull this on us (me, usually). He knows if he’s annoying enough and cries enough, we’ll buckle. But I’ve held fast and he’s finally getting the message that he’s not training me. He’s now fed wet food twice a day and the bowl stays in the house (not outside, where he’d like it to be — and the crows eat the food). He’s calmed down, too. I’ve tried to explain to Geoff C. that pets are like children in that if they know they’re calling the shots, they get all anxious because they don’t know where the boundaries are. Our Jax is back down to his normal, healthy weight, and he’s so much nicer to be around because he’s not yelling at me all the time to feed him.


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