Random Shooter Suspect in Custody in Kalamazoo, MI – IOTW Report

Random Shooter Suspect in Custody in Kalamazoo, MI

Jason Dalton, 45, has been arrested after he allegedly shot and killed six people and injured several others during a shooting spree in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Jason Dalton


The suspect, from Kalamazoo county, reportedly gave up without struggle.

Multiple people died in shootings at the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Texas Township and at the Seelye Ford dealership, Kalamazoo County Undersheriff Paul Matyas told News 8.

Four people died at the restaurant, including an eight-year-old.

Police said the suspect exited his vehicle and shot people while they were sitting in their cars in the parking lot

He then shot and seriously injured a 14-year-old girl. According to prosecutors she was clinging to life on Sunday morning.

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17 Comments on Random Shooter Suspect in Custody in Kalamazoo, MI

  1. Something I do now that I didn’t used to think about — where am I sitting in a restaurant, where is the nearest exit and can I see the main entry door(s). Last night , in fact, we were at a small diner in town where the only exit was through the kitchen and that would have given a shooter a clear shot at fleeing patrons. I imagined someone coming into the place with a clear goal would have no problem killing everyone there in short order (no pun intended). Not eating there anymore.

  2. Why does anybody try to take these turds alive?
    If you have a shooter like this a trial is an absurdity.
    Put him down like a rabid animal
    Conserve valuable resources (like police officers) and just hunt the POS down and shoot him.

  3. So sad. Now comes the usual prog-tard call for “common sense” gun control laws. Funny, I don’t think the perp had any regards for common sense. I’m with Lazlo on this. Put ’em down like a rabid dog. Here in the south we have a saying that goes “He needed killing”. This guy qualifies all day long.

  4. There’s no death penalty in Michigan so we’ll get to hear his reasons for this horrific crime. RIP to all his victims and condolences to other victims and all the families.
    You can bet the anti Second Amendment crowd will be out in full force with Obama poised to pick up his pen.

  5. Well ain’t he a special kind of coward. I’m willing to bet there’s no way this guy could have legally owned a gun. They should start killing these bastards at the scene.

  6. So many families tonight are destroyed by the violent, non-sensical deaths of their loved ones.

    Just for tonight, before we move on to causes and failures, hold those families in your thoughts or prayers, as you are able.

    For them, I grieve. This type of loss is horrific in its magnitude.

    Lord Above, I ask you to hold these people to your breast, to comfort them, to quiet the pain they are suffering, to place your peace upon them. They have done no wrong but evil has visited them. Show yourself to them and make them know you are the Lord.


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