Rant for the ages – IOTW Report

Rant for the ages

Clarice Feldman posted to her FB page. She is not the author, just a reposter of someone’s rant.

CH: “Nation still deeply divided day after vote

Yeah, I love that trick. The nation’s always “divided” when Dems don’t get what they want.
I was forced to go to a Christmas party over the weekend and had to listen to some jackhole whine about how “divisive” Trump was and lament that we couldn’t “come together.”
I unloaded on that nickelfucker – “You want to talk divisive? I hated that dog-eating Kenyan crackhead every moment of the eight years he infested the White House. But you know what I didn’t do, asshole? I didn’t riot in the streets. I didn’t scream “HE’S NOT MY PRESIDENT!” I didn’t gin up some phony, childish “Resistance.” I didn’t go into every damned restaurant and public space where Obama or any of his cabinet were and scream in their faces. And I sure as hell didn’t hijack the FBI to create a phony dossier to impeach him 49 hours after he was inaugurated!
YOUR filthy party did all of that and more, right from the moment the polls closed and you knew that drunk, morally leprous hag of yours wasn’t going to win. So you can take that fucking ‘divisive’ talk and your crocodile tears about unity and shove them up your ass until you shit blood for a week!”
Fortunately, I work at home, so I don’t have to run into that clown more than perhaps once a month. But got-DAMN, I am sick of Dems blaming Trump for their own diaper-soiling meltdowns.


25 Comments on Rant for the ages

  1. Won’t even waste my time on those mother%uckers, it’s getting time to take up voting from the rooftops. Go ahead and whine and riot, we control the food supply azzholes.

  2. “The nation’s always “divided” when Dems don’t get what they want.”

    The corollary to that is that bipartisanship is Republicans doing what the Democrats want.

  3. LOL! Most satisfying, accurate rant I’ve read. Some version of this rant should be the response to every lunatic Demwit tool who claim conservatives are “divisive”.

  4. “I should be glad, if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as you did in two minutes.”

    Edward Everett

  5. Put yer hand on the radio and say Amen brother!
    Thank you Clarice for that most heartfelt re-post! There’s a lot of people out there reading that and nodding their heads in total agreement! Maybe some of the diaper-soilers out there should pay attention to that fact that we are just about at the end of the tolerance rope with these petulant children!!

  6. “Fortunately, I work at home,”

    I was reading a little fast at the end and read “UNfortunately, I work at home,” at first and my eyes widened a little at the thought.


    Could be trying not to say the whole blasphemy, but still blasphemous.
    Could be ignorant that it’s God not got.
    Could have German roots – Gott = God


  7. AMEN, brothers and sisters, and that goes to all the so called closet wienies who start their political conversations with, “well, I am not a big fan of Trump” then go on about how their portfolios are up 30% but they don’t like him cause he tweets stupid shiite, go play with your dolls/pokemon stupid stuff and talk to alexa about your failures as adults as PRESIDENT Trump reverses the slide to socialism and destruction of our nation that the previous cabal tried, and failed at achieving.

  8. Truly, the idea that the divisiveness is on the right is total lack of self awareness and dishonesty on the left’s part.

    The guy that helps me run the gaming server started this line right after election. I tolerated none of that. We don’t talk much politics these last few years even though he wore gaming names and used in-game sprays derogatory to Trump the first year.

    All I did was laugh at it and point out he’s the only one being divisive at the moment. And that he should, maybe, stop listening to propaganda news that’s inciting him to do this.

    I did load this song up to the server to play from time to time. lol

    If We Had Some Global Warming – The Global Warming Song

    from: Minnesotans For Global Warming


  9. Oh, YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful rant!

    Dadof4, M4GW is one of my favorite websites! Elmer is a pretty interesting guy. That video is one of my favorites. If you do Twitter, he is @m4gw

  10. But I NEVER accepted, nor will ever accept, the premise that obola was my President.

    If anyone else wants to accept all the bullshit about the ‘historic’ preezy faggot, they can play along. (For the record, by faggot I mean a coward who plays his sexuality any way that benefits their agenda.)

    For me, he will always be a despicable, insultingly stupid, FAKE. And even if Mooch vomited up all the free food and reimbursed the US for all the vacays, he would still be the ugliest person paraded around as ‘glamorous’.

    ‘Divisive’!? Bite me.


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