Rant- Handicapped At The Walmarts – IOTW Report

Rant- Handicapped At The Walmarts

This might not be my most popular rant, but here goes.

There are 40 handicapped spots in the Walmart parking lot. FORTY. And can you guess what the number one handicap is from my observation? Being a fat f@ck.

So, by all means, let’s get them a parking spot where they don’t have to do any walking.

In fact, widen the aisles of the store so that they don’t even have to be inconvenienced by the struggle out of the Fat Mobile into the motorized cart, just let them drive into the store and reach out of the window into the Blue Bunny freezer for their Moose Tracks.

Wait. They’re big, so let’s think big. Have a drive-up area where a conveyor belt attaches to their face and have the Swiss Rolls shipped directly into their mouth. A bar-code reader can hang off their nose, beeping like the heart monitor machine they have at home.

Am I being mean? Yep. Somebody should have been this mean when they were around 250 and they were eyeing the motorized cart as their resigned destiny.

The doctors should have been this mean when their tibia and femur were up-close dance partners as they did The Waddle, the most popular dance craze at the Walmarts. But they weren’t. They simply gave them a hang tag for their car which allowed them to get LESS exercise.

Nothing pisses me off more than waiting in a parking lot behind some moron who is waiting for a space to open up, which will eventually be vacated by the other moron loading their trunk up with sweet, sweet cholesterol, when there are 100s of empty spaces 60 feet away!

Maybe if you parked where the bevy of empty spaces are and walked a little you wouldn’t be “handicapped.”

And allow me to tie this in in a political way, because I’m not just a hard-hearted prick.

There was a time when businesses had 2 or 3 of these spaces and people would say “really? Are there THAT many people with disabilities that need to go to this store all at the same time? What are the odds? Are these premium spaces, with the 8 feet of clearance on either side that necessary?”

Then you’d actually witness the special van pulling up, the side door opening, and the family would operate the easy-lift and lower someone to the ground in their custom wheelchair, the one that was controlled by blowing into a tube, and you’d feel like sh!t. And then you didn’t complain about those 2 or 3 spots anymore.

Now there are FORTY SPOTS!!! Is there an epidemic of quadriplegics out there? Has that demographic exploded since the bean counters determined 3 spots were adequate?

No, because as you will notice, all the handicapped spots don’t even have 8 feet of clearance on either side. Most of them look like normal spaces, just a little bit wider. Just wide enough for a 300 pound customer. The spaces have little to do with actual handicapped people as we “used to define it.”

And what happens when you subsidize obesity by making it easier to be obese? Surprise, you get more obesity.

And don’t get me started on the people who tell their doctors their legs get a little tingly if they walk more than 50 feet. These are the mother-friggers who think of handicapped parking as their own little VIP system, and all they had to do was lie to a doctor. I hope they end up in the custom wheelchair with the blow tube.

Karma’s a b!tch.

/rant off.

102 Comments on Rant- Handicapped At The Walmarts

  1. The only thing you are wrong about is the fact that you singled out Walmart. The fat fucks are everywhere. It makes me sick, and these slobs are all getting public assistance.

  2. Walmart goes way beyond what is required.
    It is a Fantasy Camp for fat. They are luring them in.
    Target, which is as big as the Walmart in this area, doesn’t have this atmosphere.

    But, bottom line, this is not a rant about Walmart, this is about subsidizing a condition INTO an epidemic, whether it be by the private or public sector. It’s about how people’s personal responsibility goes out the window if given the path of least resistance.
    It’s about how people will also lie in order to get in on the action of being “handicapped.”

    In the future, every space will be a handicapped space, and I already feel bad for the handicapped who have to park across the parking lot 😉

  3. My cardiologist asked if I needed a handicap ticket.
    I asked him if walking was a problem.
    He said no, walking was good, he was just offering, great, just what we need, MD’s asking lazy people if they want to be lazier.
    They better watch out, that’s the federal governments action.
    I have heart, knee and diabetic problems but I am NOT handicapped.

  4. Yesterday, I went to visit a friend who has a store in the next county and noticed an odd looking man walking around and checking all the merchandise. No big deal. But later when I stopped at the walmart store in that town, there was that same guy blocking the isle on one of those motorized slacker carts. Apparently his disability was being deaf.

    Those are fat-ass carts. If they distribute the weight on rubber tires it is less likely to crack the floor tiles.

  5. The stores should be drive-through, like Brew-Thru stores in NC. The lard-asses wouldn’t even have to get out of their cars, just pop the trunk/hatch and have the min-wage shelf apes shovel in the calories.

    Come to think of it, Bezos is missing an opportunity here. His high tech warehouse with robotic merchandise movers would be easily adaptable to serving the morbidly obese. I’d suggest his move towards drone delivery might work here, but he’d need drone Chinook choppers and they’re a few years off.

  6. OpenTheDoor >>>

    This is what my rant is about.
    Might it be inartful?
    Yes. That is what a rant is.
    I wrote this on the fly, no editing.
    I expect the readers to refine and define, and you are exactly the role model I was looking for.

  7. Lard have mercy!

    No complaints from me about your rant. 5 years ago I had major knee surgery, both knees at once, to repair old figure skating injuries. The H took me out to dinner as a treat while recovering. Then we went to the grocery. Great! I thought I would use a mobility cart for once in my life to make it easier.
    Two 400 pounders entered the store before we did. That weight may be an understatement. This lovely couple took the store’s 2 carts and spent a good amount of time wedging themselves on to the carts.

    I went around the store with a friggin walker. Later in the women’s room lardo woman backed herself into the only handicapped stall. Gee it would have been nice to have a grab bar.

    Imagine my amusement when she couldn’t get out of the stall. I think she was trying to pull the walls down. She demanded, not asked, I go get store management to her out of the cubicle. Some how I forgot to mention it at the service desk and the H and I checked out and left.

    From time to time I think about this incident and wonder if she wedged herself out or if the stall had to be dismantled.

  8. Juice their EBT bennies. And GIVE them all foods that include bacon, high fructose corn syrup, and gravy-coated, breaded frying. Also GIVE them smokes and booze. In unlimited amts, for a 3-month period.
    Advise them that these foods taste MUCH better if they don’t take their (miserable) life-extending HBP, high-cholesterol, and diabetes meds.

    Those battery-powered rascals will become dust collectors at the back of the store in no time.

  9. There other half of the rant is the welfare these people are getting because of their condition further subsidizing it. How is it they always have a roof over their heads, AC and cable TV, a vehicle and money to get them to Walmart and into the scooter without working?! Disability, section 8, EBT, ObamaCare…

  10. No of course it’s not just walmart but walmart is a bigger brand and tends to own lots of property and they’re the targets for ridicule by PEOPLE OF WALMART type sites. Granted, it’s not just obese people in those cases, lol.

    It’s also Kmart, it’s the grocery stores, and in some areas even Home Depot has tons of handicap spaces. I feel bad for the people these jerks are cockblocking from the parking spaces. The people with no leg, no arm, etc. Fat or not. Meanwhile, I know of people who SHOULD use HC parking but are too proud to use them.

  11. I’d be curious to see how many of these people consume “diet” soda.

    This is an epidemic, I was at the Dayton Hamfest this year with my dad and it was swarming with the mobility carts, never seen it like that before. You always had a few of the carts used by gimped out vietnam vets or the occasional morbidly obese person. But this year it was a swarm.

    And the worse part is, they don’t know how to drive them properly in close quarters!

  12. I’m totally with you about the grotesquely obese. But I do want to point out that the stores around where I live have an abundance of handicapped spaces, mainly because I’m at JBLM (Fort Lewis), and there’s a lot of former GIs walking around minus a limb or three.

  13. And another thing…. decades ago I was briefly a case worker for what was then called Public Welfare. There was this planet sized couple that would come in – both planet sized – and they stunk like funky corpses. Reading the medical reports they submitted was stomach turning. The hideous smell came from rotting flesh in their fat rolls. ‘Nuff said.

  14. No, where I am it is just Fort Fat.

    My rant has nothing at all to do with carping and griping against actual handicapped people.

    I’m sure someone will try and start the argument that obesity is a handicap. Okay, fine.
    You will have a handicap sticker for 1 year.

  15. My irritation is Lowes. I have not counted the spaces, but there are 4 lanes devoted to handicap, all the best spots – and they usually are mostly empty. I have had 2 hip operations and occasionally use a cane. I have never even tried for a H hanger

  16. It’s the Milo ham planet. Bigger than a ham beast.

    Amazing how the body stores fat, finding all these nooks and crannies to tuck it away. How about the bread loaf feet? It’s like the body manager is like “hmmm, I got 10 pounds of fat to stick somewhere, where should I put it?” and the assistant is like “Boss we got room on the top of the feet!” and there you go, bread loaf feet.

    I’m in the process of losing weight, and it’s an amazing process as a new area suddenly starts dumping its fat. I may end up being in better shape than I was as a teenager since I know more about nutrition at this stage of my life.

    I got pretty out of shape, there was a period of time where I didn’t exercise and ate too much. I call it my 30s.

  17. Fur, just out of curiosity I’m wondering what is your height/weight? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours LOL.

    I’m 5’8-1/2. Weight approximately 285 lbs. But I haven’t applied for a handicapped placard because I have a sense of pride. Also, I can still walk, dammit, and I’m guessing some of these lazy-assed People of Wal-Mart could too if they just placed mind over matter.

    BTW, my daily commute involves two miles of walking to and from train stations. I neither work nor live close to a Metro-North station.

  18. @BFH, thanks for the recognition.
    Inartful, well if I were to put on a blue SJW hat the answer would be an empathic yes.
    Being as I have been inartful all my life and take it upon myself to offer unsolicited stinging criticism of people who have no self-awareness.
    You’re being too kind, go after the cholesterol cows with more punch.
    Because of the afore mentioned medical problems my cardiologist lists me as obese, I feel down right svelte in Walmart.

  19. I saw a slim middle-aged man at a California Walmart on one of those carts. As I left the store, I saw him unchain his bike from the rack, throw his bag in the basket, and pedal off. I also saw two young skinny women who just took them because they could. They drove side by side (because the aisles are that wide) down each aisle, chatting. This was in a retirement town full of really old people who could have used the carts, the ones the carts are meant for. Lazy assholes. That pisses me off.

  20. I can walk with much pain with a cane. I can walk with less pain while pushing a cart. I have a handicapped sticker. If I am able to find a distant parking space with a cart nearby, I take it rather than using a handicapped space. I love the exercise. Often I go to the store even if I don’t need to purchase anything, just to be able to move while pushing the cart.

    Fatties sitting on those scooters p*$$ me off much.

  21. It is really really bad at theme parks. At Disney World last year it was a nightmare of getting run over by people in those carts. And each handicap chair gets priority at the bus stops where they have the right to get on first and two “regular” chairs are folded up against the bus wall to make space for one big fat chair. On some of the full buses they actually made people get off to make room for the obese people wanting on. Ugh

  22. I can’t stand seeing these blubber butts using up all the handicapped carts to go down the munchie aisle, and then seeing someone elderly, who can barely walk having to maneuver around the porkers to do their shopping.

    I worked retail for many years, and yes many of these tubbos DO drink diet soda with their twinkies.

    I feel for these people, but only to a certain extent. They need to be shamed into at least TRYING to deal with their problem.

  23. Sorry, BFH, I realize this is your rant, but methinks you paint with too broad a brush.
    My wife is in her mid-60s, with bad knees and back, due to a mountain climbing accident in her teens. Hell, she introduced ME to outdoor camping and mountain climbing when we were first married. She is overweight, but not morbidly so. She works hard to keep her weight down and her body limber, but it’s a struggle. Yes, she has handicapped plates, but doesn’t abuse the privilege. And she doesn’t use those Rolling Fat Wagons.
    My point is that there are those who do their best with what they have in the condition it’s in, but don’t abuse the kindness of others. You can’t always see what’s inside.

    Now, that all being said, I agree on your flip side, that if there ARE Fat Fucks who are abusing their “privilege”, then they need to be called out and “shamed” (assuming they have any) on it.

    We could go back and forth on this all day, and not get anywhere but lose each other’s “friendship”. And I’d rather stay friends. Pax?

  24. I once watched a NG film, way before PC.
    In it an expedition was going to visit a tribe in the hills of China. To emphasize how hard to get there it was they showed travel by plane, boat, train, Jeep, horse and finally uphill hiking.
    To their surprise they found a local who spoke English, turns out he had been a merchant seaman.
    He asked them to please tell the other tribes people that he wasn’t crazy, in America poor people are indeed fat.

  25. Ok don’t misunderstand the point of this, guys. Clearly, this is about the people who use those carts and spaces simply because they are obese and spill over the sides. Not because they have issues with a leg, heart problems, just had surgery, etc, regardless of size. This isn’t a complaint about people who actually need assistance or the people who are trying their best not to use those things but sometimes have to.

  26. B Woodman

    That’s why I prefaced my rant with, this isn’t going to be popular.
    I’m the one running the risk of being the asshole, but that’s the job I have accepted. It’s what is necessary as the catalyst for these types of discussions.

    Of course I’m going to be provocative, it’s what a rant is all about.

    The problem is that there is unfortunately going to be some people who know in their hearts that my rant couldn’t possibly apply to them, and they have to worry about being lumped into the broad brush community I am painting.

    But this is true of lots of societal problems.
    Non-terrorist muslims have to worry about being perceived as a terrorist.
    Police-supporting black people have to worry that cops see them and assume they are #BLM.

    Is the solution to give terrorists and #BLM a free pass for fear of offending the innocent?
    Sadly for some, it doesn’t work that way.

    Yes, there is a story behind every person with a handicap placard using a motorized scooter. And we can’t know them all.
    But I’m seeing an explosion of handicap parking being used by the overweight and an explosion of motorized cart usage.
    I JUST got back from Walmart. (I’m eating dill
    Triscuits) and I saw THREE giant loads on the motorized carts in the vestibule area while I was going in.
    It’s a chicken egg thing. Did the people get overweight after an injury when they were in shape, or did they just eat all the chickens and the eggs?

    I don’t know.
    But I’m seeing obesity subsidized by making it much much easier to be overweight by designating it a handicap no matter how the person arrived there.

    That’s not good.
    As I said, this was a sensitive subject and I assume all the risk and I would hope that it wouldn’t alienate anyone because at its core this argument is not mean-spirited, it is fully about how behaviors can be subsidized and then abused to the point where we begin creating a bigger problem, not simply alleviating the hardships of the handicapped as it used to be defined.

  27. I once saw an obese woman sit on a park bench. The kind that can easily fit 3, 4 people without squeezing. Her butt took up the whole bench. She really didn’t fully sit on it. She couldn’t. She sorta semi-sat/leaned on it. Definitely wider than taller.

  28. How did they get to the Walmart scooter?
    It’s not their own personal scooter. So, they made their way to the scooter before hopping on.
    How about thinking of shopping as a way to get back in shape, because you can clearly walk if you’re alone and got to the scooter.
    I’m not seeing people crawl along the ground from the parking lot to the scooter.

    I’m clearly thinking way too much about this.
    Maybe I lay off the rants for awhile. lol

  29. Another aspect of this story is the fraud and theft taking place by places like “The Scooter Store”. These crooks will get you into your personal scooter at no cost to you. It gets billed to us, the taxpayers of this country. You are damn right I’m pissed off! And another thing……..

  30. VietVet, if I saw correctly, the guy behind her did put the shopping cart up against the back of her hauler and try to push her. He was probably her husband/enabler. Made me wonder how she got in the store.

  31. @BFH – Crawl? I think they’d have an easier time of it if they roll!

    Can I coin a new word? How about we call these blimps WalMartians?

    I’ve seen WalMartians drive by the entrance and wave at the geriatric greeter inside, beckoning him out to the car. Clearly, they’re asking for a scooter because somebody in a blue vest then rides one out to the crip spot where the WalMartian parks.

  32. I’ll tell you what. I once walked alongside a woman coming out of Target using her own scooter. Turns out we were parked across from each other (she was in handicap space, I wasn’t) and I watched her van open up, and all this mechanical shit happened as she pushed some buttons. It was freaking awesome. lol. So it started to rain and she was trying to hurry so I grabbed her last bag and handed it to her- she seemed kinda annoyed that I helped her (pride dented slightly, I think.) but I’m like, it’s raining, don’t worry about it. lol. She thanked me and smiled. Anyway, she pushed some more buttons and was picked up and moved to the front seat in front of the steering wheel. She does this every day with just upper body function?! Damn! I was impressed by her, plus, it was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen a van do! lol

  33. Have you ever paid attention to what those Two Ton Tilly’s that are riding on those scooters purchase for food? Really, not a big mystery. Combine that with no exercise and there ya go.

  34. We have the mirror image of your Walmart here in my town. Our Walmart only has two or three haulers, so it only gets really weird when the big folks show up with their own. Which is a trend now it seems.
    What gets me is when I went to Universal Studios there were tons of big folks on those scooters, many had fricken canvas roofs. With fricken fringe. They seemed pretty ambulatory in the way they would move their limbs about on their carts – most of them. The seriously disabled were obvious in that they needed HELP in addition to being in a wheeled conveyance. I am not busting on the big folks, but WHY go to an AMUSEMENT park if all you will do is sit on your cart and bitch at people who are trying to find a way past the blockage you have caused in front of a attraction you won’t be getting off of your wagon to go and enjoy? I saw the same thing at the NY State Fair. That was worse because it isn’t paved on much of the mid-way and the carts kept getting lodged in holes. I mean, it isn’t like families are bringing Grandma along in her wheelchair for a family trip before she croaks – these are fairly young people who are HUGE. That being said, after a lifetime of being slender, I am now fat – but not quite obese. I don’t eat too much. Careful of snacks, and don’t drink any soda at all. MY body needs LOTS of exercise to stay slim, it is just the way I am made. And, alas, I have lost my fondness for exercise. 🙂

  35. This is giving my funny bone a workout.
    @BFH, “cultural appropriation” rich.
    At 6’4″ and 300# I don’t consider myself ‘obese’.
    My problem is I cook way too well.
    Like Shelly Winters in The Poseidon Adventure.
    You see Mr. Hat, in Walmart, I’m a very skinny man.

  36. There is a fair percentage of ppl who pack
    on the weight due to meds they are forced to
    take. I have a relative who became bipolar
    30 years ago and needs to take heavy doses
    of meds or wind up in a nut ward or homeless.
    The meds cloud the brain and dramatically slow
    the metabolism and energy down. That loads the
    pounds on, but the alternative is worse.
    These are some of the ppl you are seeing.

  37. @Anonymous: I saw him nudge her too, but I’m saying he needed to get serious about it. Also, stores should never build their exit doors smaller than the entrance ones, IMO.


  38. “Spandex is a privilege, not a right!”

    Spandex is a pajama or workout outfit. Never mind the fatties, I am putting it out there now, I hate spandex worn as fashion, or jeggings, leggings, yoga pants etc. Just no.

  39. walmart tubbies need to create an ap for when they pull into their H space to notify wallies to bring them out a scooter.

    I was in Walm. *beep beep beep.. mart this morning and was *beep beep beep. . .continually bomba.. *beep beep beep.. rded with noise pollution. Those dam. *beep beep beep. . carts backing up is annoying.

    Only saw one tubbie and he was stalled. I think he was calling AAA to bring him a new battery.

  40. A few years ago I was in a Wal Mart; I passed one fat guy on a scooter talking into a radio around his neck. I went down the next aisle and there was an even fatter guy on a scooter, talking into a radio to the OTHER guy on the next aisle. Two fat guys on scooters “buddy shopping” in Wal Mart by radio. I was so pissed I put my stuff back and went home.

  41. Funniest fat-person-in-a-store moment I witnessed was while waiting in line back in the 90s.

    Extremely large woman second in line had her pager go off. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

    Little kid in front of me: “Watch out! She’s backing up!”

  42. Was actually crippled last Fall and when I went to the store I thought I might grab one of those.

    I looked at them and could not see how they operated without bothering someone to show me.

    F**k it. I wasn’t permanently crippled. Just had a few months to go still.

    Limped with my partially healed Fibula while leaning heavy on the cart and paid the price of pain the rest of the day.

    Worth it.

    Sent my ex to shop for me two weeks later. Way better than using using anything at the store.

    (Side note – “Love your enemy” is powerful if done sincerely)

  43. BFH,

    Nice rant. I can top it:

    Semi-feral, socially-autistic-by-bad-parenting adolescents allowed to joyride these cripple carts around the store at will. I see it occasionally.

    Chaser: store staff so indifferent or so afraid of being sued that they see it but say nothing.

    Complete societal collapse is accelerating. It won’t survive millions of them becoming spawning adults.

  44. Here is an antidote to many of above stories.
    A few years ago I was doing what passes for my exercise routine at a nearby college track.
    On the other side of the track was an obviously severely disabled person (couldn’t determine the sex) struggling to walk straight and upright with a walker, doing laps in 88 degree heat.
    (This anonymous individual is now at the top of my list of most admired humans)

  45. Birdie Num Num,

    1000 TU’s. Witnessed similar things myself. When I was in my 20’s I worked out at a gym where this young guy use to bring his father in. wheel chair bound. Obvious stroke victim. He use to lift him into the Nautilus machines and Velcro strap his arms or legs to the machines and do resistance training. It wasn’t long before the entire gym was helping out. I don’t know if the old guy ever got out of the wheel chair but when he started he couldn’t move any weight and about a year later when I left that gym he was moving light weight on his own.

  46. You know, some researchers are investigating the possibility that uncontrollable obesity may be caused by a lack of certain beneficial bacteria in the intestines. They are testing out methods to inject skinny people’s shit up fat peoples asses to cure it.
    No Shit!

  47. Jethro, it’s even worse than that. They are trying make shit into a pill form and you are supposed to swallow it. If that isn’t enough to motivate a person to lose weight I don’t know what is.

  48. PeopleofWalmart.com is full of fat people. You can’t get around them in an aisle. If they would only get up and start moving their fat asses, they wouldn’t have to use a motorized cart. Epitome of what lazy is,

  49. ethro August 4, 2016 at 6:20 pm

    You know, some researchers are investigating the possibility that uncontrollable obesity may be caused by a lack of certain beneficial bacteria in the intestines. They are testing out methods to inject skinny people’s shit up fat peoples asses to cure it.
    No Shit!

    Nope plain and simple what their disease is. It’s called fork to mouth disease.

  50. I’m going to sound like an Infomercial. I am 5’7 AND A 1/2 and weigh 155. I lost 57 pounds in less than 6 months and it was easy, IMO.
    I read Gary Taubes’ books
    ‘Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health’ – all 500+ pages
    ‘Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It’
    Finally the light came on in my brain. Low fat bull crap never did anything for me other than a few pounds weight loss and gnawing hunger.

    So I ditched the diet that has helped create obesity and diabetes since the 1950’s.
    I started eating high (good) fats, moderate protein, low carbs and very, very little sugar.
    The excess weight simply went away. I dropped sizes like crazy and got a real joy in some of my pants literally falling off. My last visit to Target months ago that happened in front of a Motard family. Slid down to butt-crack level but I grabbed ’em before they hit the floor. That’s another story.

    I get my limited carbs from certain vegetables and sometimes beans, don’t eat refined carbs, eat berries but very little other fruit. Actually I can eat up to 70 grams of carbs a day without gaining. These days bread,sugar, cereal, etc give me a stomach ache so I avoid them.

    No knocking myself with crazy exercises or doing any different physical activity. I feel great, medical tests are great although I never had a cholesterol of BP problem when fat. My blood sugar was the high end of normal and that has dropped too.

    Why the heck do doctor’s and dieticians continue to dispense useless and even harmful dietary advice?
    Weight issues like some have mentioned? Read Taubes’ and go from there.

    BTW, I never used a freakin’ cart anywhere when I was fat.
    End of infomercial.

  51. Decades ago there was a famous opera singer (Callas?) who supposedly took pills containing tapeworm eggs to keep the weight off. IIRC, they were actually marketed as such. Yeesh.

  52. 5’8″ 160#
    Better shape than in high school.
    I workout (not obsessively) and run a marathon every January.

    My highest weight was 172 a couple of years ago.
    That extra 10 pounds made me feel like shit.

    I cannot imagine climbing steps carrying an extra 30 pounds or more, yet you see people 50, 100, 200 pounds overweight.

    I can understand the struggle to a certain degree.
    What I cannot understand is how someone doesn’t reach the point where they say ENOUGH!

    The diet industry is worth billions.

  53. While the number of these scooters seem to be larger at Walmart you can find them anywhere now. You can find people of all sizes in these things and while I’m sure there are some that do need it I suspect that the majority (however slight) don’t. The result of over eating, Nintendo, cable tv, Microsoft, the net, sugar, corn syrup, hi density fructose/glucose, non-mandatory gym classes from k-12, bad prepared food and finally extreme food ignorance and poor, poor judgement. The human body is a wonderful machine that can stand all sorts of abuse if you just do the minimum preventative maintenance. Exercise is one of those tasks and education about what we eat is another. No kid under the age of 15 should be allowed to have a smart phone, xbox, Nintendo or any other gadget that allows then to just sit, drink Mountain Dew and play some game. Use the first 15 years to teach your kids that it’s fine to indulge yourself in fun food but within reason. Teach them that McDonald’s is fine once a week or even twice but use some of that knowledge when in what you order. It kills me to watch some hipster moron order a double shot mocha caramel full fat latte (grande) then complain about putting on a few pounds when all they seem to drink is coffee and not realize he’s sucking up about a thousand calories in that not really coffee he’s enjoying.
    Make Gym classes mandatory from K-12 through to University and encourage businesses to outfit a small gym and showers in their establishments for staff to use on their own time.

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