RANT: What White-Supremacists and the Far-Left Have In Common – IOTW Report

RANT: What White-Supremacists and the Far-Left Have In Common

Steven Crowder wraps up the week with a rant on how the modern far-left and white-supremacists have more in common than you think.

18 Comments on RANT: What White-Supremacists and the Far-Left Have In Common

  1. Ann Barnhardt wrote a commentary many years ago – 2013 – that has stuck with me to this day. It is relevant today as it has been throughout the history of the world. She stated that the opposite ends of the political spectrum (as Crowder was talking about in this video) eventually come together, in what she called “The Spectral Doughnut”. The left eventually meets the right at the extreme of each.


  2. Uncle Ben’s Whole grain boil in bag brown rice is still available because I bought a box at Winco today when I got groceries. It’s never been completely out of stock since I have been able to buy it even though Uncle Ben has been branded as racist.

  3. What White-Supremacists and the Far-Left Have In Common

    Body odor reminiscent of stale fritos and curdled milk.

    Anger issues

    Self image issues


    Punk ass vehicles

    Mouths bigger than their brains

    Curiously small, womanly hands

    Fantastic, Cecil B. DeMille scale fantasies running through their brains.

    Dirty fingernails


    Possum faces

    Forrest Gump haircuts

    Jew hatred

    Stamp collecting………..probably

  4. @sippin – not sure that I fully understand your comment. How did I say that the right is the white supremacist group?
    I said that both ends of the political spectrum come together at the extremes.

    Clarify your comment.

  5. “The left eventually meets the right at the extreme of each.”
    Pretty much. When you find your back against the firing squad wall, the politics of the regime that put you there really don’t matter.

  6. ” The left eventually meets the right at the extreme of each.” Do they, in the end, all realize they are losers and commit mass suicide.I’m a sucker for happy endings.

  7. Why are “white” supremacists more evil than “black” supremacists and “brown” supremacists?
    ANTIFA and BLM are “black” supremacist organizations – founded and funded by socialists, same as the KKK.
    La Reza is a “brown” supremacist organization, founded and funded by socialists, same as the KKK.

    The common thread is “divide and conquer” – by the socialists. All the divisiveness in society seems to originate with socialism, nihilism, or totalitarianism; regardless of their purported agendas.

    The reason that the “left” and the “right” meet at the extremes is because the goal of both is power at the expense of Freedom and Liberty; and the means of attaining that power are the same for whomever is making the attempt.

    Evil doesn’t GAS about ideology. Lucifer laughs at philosophy.

    izlamo delenda est …


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