A Real Humanitarian, Biden has Picked For Deputy Budget Director – IOTW Report

A Real Humanitarian, Biden has Picked For Deputy Budget Director


President Joe Biden’s top pick for deputy budget director, Shalanda Young, claimed access to abortion is considered “a matter of economic and racial justice,” in written answers for her nomination.

When asked about the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer-funded abortions except for some cases, Young expressed hesitation at keeping the policy due to its effect on “women of color.” More

According to the Guttmacher Institute the rates of abortion among racial groups would make one wonder if there’s genocide going on in this country. How is that “racial justice?” How does that play out for future generations of “women of color?”

10 Comments on A Real Humanitarian, Biden has Picked For Deputy Budget Director

  1. “access to abortion is considered “a matter of economic and racial justice,”

    Killing black babies before they are born is considered racial justice.

    Sounds a little racist me.

  2. “When asked about the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer-funded abortions except for some cases, Young expressed hesitation at keeping the policy due to its effect on “women of color.”

    You ignorant bitch; it’s not a “policy”, it’s the friggin’ law.

  3. A matter of racial and economic justice my ass it’s still wanton murder no matter what the left calls it. The only justice the aborted unborn babies are getting comes from God and not from man. The left are a bunch of sick, depraved, soulless, godless bastards who hate everything good like innocent unborn children and especially God.

  4. The whole point of the Hyde Amendment is that it in itself does not prohibit abortion. It merely forbids the federal government from paying for it. So to those who want these women to have access to abortions – make a donation from your own damn wallet!

  5. Diagenes – It was obvious last year that Jackass Joe was not in charge of anything in his campaign. He might have been on the No Malarkey short bus, but he sure as hell wusn’t driving it!!


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