Rape charges scrapped after 40,000 messages from accuser revealed in court – IOTW Report

Rape charges scrapped after 40,000 messages from accuser revealed in court

news.com.au- A STUDENT has described going through “mental torture” after a rape case against him was thrown out in court because police had failed to hand over more than 40,000 messages from his accuser.

Liam Allan, 22, faced up to ten years in jail charged with six counts of rape and six counts of sexual assault against a young woman over a 14-month period that began when he was 19.

The criminology student at Greenwich University had spent nearly two years on bail and three days in Croydon Crown Court when the trial was stopped in a dramatic fashion after it emerged police officers had failed to hand over evidence that proved his innocence.

The alleged victim had claimed she did not enjoy sex, while Mr Allan claimed it was consensual and she was acting maliciously because he refused to see her after he returned to university.  Read more 


14 Comments on Rape charges scrapped after 40,000 messages from accuser revealed in court

  1. “Under resourced?” What a crock.
    Mr Liam needs to sue the police for not releasing the girl’s records when asked for by the defense. “Nothing to see here”? That’s not for the police to decide.
    Mr Liam also needs to sue the girl for slander, libel, filing a false report, defamation of character, loss of schooling, employment, and income.

    This will add another nail in the coffin of college inter-gender relationships. Why would any young man with an eye to his own future get into even a casual date with a potential future female accuser?

  2. Apparently, in England, if you’re a 13 year old white girl raped by a dozen muslim savages, the police and Crown Prosecution Service couldn’t give a shit less in regards to getting you justice. But if you’re a 22 white male who was unlucky enough to stick your dick in crazy, they’ll hide all exculpatory evidence in a pursuit to completely destroy your life.

    Tell me this isn’t about an unwritten policy of white genocide.

  3. “The alleged victim had claimed she did not enjoy sex”
    So that’s the criteria for whether or not it is rape? Guys, you better step-up your skills or you might end up in jail!

  4. I was going to make an observation that the fella just won the lottery for false prosecution, imprisonment (for anytime he was held), restitution of his good name (pain and suffering) and the B.I., prosecutor and all police who knew should be charged with conspiracy for false imprisonment, perjury and what not BUT this is in the UK.

    Those subjects of the Queen don’t have a Bill of rights AND they are not innocent until proven guilty. It’s that kind of excrement that leads to a revaluation… when your population owns firearms that is. These are concepts that are too complex for your average libtard.

  5. Liam Allen is a very lucky young man. His defense asked for the evidence and was refused. A new prosecutor, Mr. Jerry Hayes, took over the case and released the evidence which proved Mr. Allen’s innocence. Note that Mr. Hayes is a former Conservative MP. And no doubt a man of honor.
    Contrast Mr. Hayes with the power hungry democrat DA in the Duke/Lacrosse case in 2006. Mike Nifong withheld DNA evidence which proved three young men not guilty. Nifong was disbarred and jailed (for one day). There is a documentary on the case: “Fantastic Lies.” Sickening!

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