Rape in Germany is Justified – IOTW Report

Rape in Germany is Justified

Daily Caller-

The 15-year-old girl was attending a party in Germany’s Hamburg Park in Sept. 2020 when she was allegedly dragged into the bushes and raped by 11 men, according to German news outlet NIUS.

Two of the men were acquitted, while nine were found guilty, but only one of the nine received a prison sentence. That 19-year-old defendant received only two years and nine months in prison, per NIUS.

The other eight defendants all received youth sentences of one to two years, which were all suspended under Germany’s preliminary probation law, the outlet reported.

A female psychiatrist testifying on behalf of the defendants argued that their alleged gang rape was a “means of releasing frustration and anger” stemming from their “migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness,” according to the Hamburger Morgenpost.

The female psychiatrist on the case, Nahlah Saimeh, claimed that the rapists might have used the gang rape as an instrument to “let out their anger and frustration relating to their migration background”.

Female solidarity, huh?
Such an insane level of betrayal. Sheer evil. pic.twitter.com/4SFEfj1Qz5
— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) November 28, 2023


Need to relieve stress? Pull a minor into the bushes and defile her. We understand— unless you’re a privileged white guy. Then, and only then, it’s a despicable act.

35 Comments on Rape in Germany is Justified

  1. “… “means of releasing frustration and anger” stemming from their “migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness,” …”

    Sooooooooo … ragheads, messicans, or africans?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If their “migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness” caused them enough “frustration” to commit an ugly violent rape then I highly recommend to them that they DEmigrate and go back to where they have socio-cultural homes.

  3. Remember who engineered all this: traitors in governments.
    Let the mooselimbs vent their rage on Merkel, EU bureaucrats (male and female), and all other globalists who’ve polluted the civilized parts of the planet.

  4. thesheriffisnear
    MONDAY, 4 DECEMBER 2023, 10:24 AT 10:24 AM
    “castration prevents recidivism”

    …it does NOT. Rapist simply use objects to penetrate instead.

    Rape is about humiliation and power, Sexual gratification is a side benefit to the rapist.

    The only way to stop a rapist is death.

    Death by exsanguination following an avulsive amputation would provide a measure of justice.

  5. The suicide of the West.
    Actually, the suicide of civilization.

    The wars of the last centuries must have denuded Germany of its manhood.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. …and here, too, we see the state of modern “mental heath care”.

    It no longer seeks to cure mental illness, but to justify it, even celebrate it.

    And never forget that the ideal man in Islam, the person this psychiatrist herself worships is a rapist pedophile who enshrined rape of non-believers in his mockery religion.

  7. Let her enjoy it while she can, that “Psy” bitch. In a country really governed by the sharia of this crazy cult (and it will happen to Germany), she would just have the right to shut her mouth and stay in the kitchen to prepare the food.
    In addition, to being valid according to the laws of goats fuckers, the testimony of a woman, must be corroborated by that of 4 men.

  8. If the rape was because of the rapists’ anger and frustration about their immigration situation, then the government can solve that by sending them all back to where they came from. If they are that angry and frustrated about being in Germany, then they certainly can’t claim refugee status and say they now feel safer.

    Maybe the invaders, er “immigrants” can find that psychologist and let her help them assuage their anger and frustration. I know, she’s an important person so that would not be allowed.

  9. @Brad,

    I don’t think fathers can do anything, everything has been done to suggest to white girls, that the most hype thing was to get fucked by a wakandais or a maghrebin. In my country, the advertising hype started around 2008 (the year the Kenyan and his tranny were installed in the White House).
    I even kept the screenshots so obvious and hallucinating. Today the last ads I had access to are staggering, there is not even a white man anymore or he is just there to be ridiculed. So, this poor girl had to go to the party thinking she risked nothing, since “Islam is friendly uh!” Or maybe she was one of the Krauts, waving “Migrants Welcome” signs.
    As I can feel, we are many Europeans, waiting for their “Big Night” to the Muslim Knife Jugglers, and as we play at home, we would make them taste the famous “Furia Franscese”.

  10. Ah, the fruits of globalism and multiculturalism. Perhaps in addition to making the penalty for rape summary execution we could add the same penalty for globalists and multiculturalists?

  11. geoff the aardvark
    MONDAY, 4 DECEMBER 2023, 10:16 AT 10:16 AM
    “Rape is never justified under any circumstances. The penalty for rape should be immediate execution.”

    …agree with your thesis but remember rape charges can be weaponized too. D
    See Tawana Brawley, the Duke lacrosse team, and multiple attempts to take down President Trump for further details.

    And it’s been that way awhile. Hitler consolidated his power my murdering his SA rivals on the Night Of The Long Knives, and justified some of his kills with unsubstantiated claims his rivals were found in bed with a boy.

    Rape does need to be answered with death as it’s only deterrent, true.

    But you’d best be sure of your facts before summary judgement or you may be unknowingly helping evil instead of opposing it.

  12. The Germans would lock the Father up for 10 years even if he was there, fought back, and lost badly.

    That’s the same reason Palestine supporters can act out and intimidate politicians, school boards, & businesses.

  13. Allowing the wholesale invasion of a country is insanity. Not demanding assimilation of immigrants creates chaos eventually. These people have no connection to the country or concept of patriotism. Encouraging criminal behavior through light or no sentences will be that country’s complete collapse and downfall. We are about to face the same things here in America. This is intentional on the part of leftists / liberals / elitists. If Americans do not resist this trend we will revert back to the Wild West. What the near future holds in store isn’t going to be pretty. It’s all happening rapidly.

  14. Arminius’s blood line is kaput.

    Speaking as a father of 2 daughters, if that was my daughter and only 1 of 11 got prison I would be “making plans” and following through with said plans. Then, if caught, I’d get a female psychiatrist to talk about my pent up anger, rage and what not; then let the jury decide my fate.


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