Rapid Fire Close Quarter Defense – IOTW Report

Rapid Fire Close Quarter Defense

16 Comments on Rapid Fire Close Quarter Defense

  1. Hyenas, Dingo Dogs, and Red Dogs (Dhole) all travel in packs; killing and wreaking havoc – leaving death and destruction in their wake.

    They are pests – and must be eradicated.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. In our cc class they told us walk away when you can.
    At the range the guy training us would stand behind us about 30 ft. He’d say go and we’d have to pull our weapon and fire on the target.
    By the time we got the gun out and started firing he was tapping us on the shoulder.
    Always keep an eye out as criminals can be on you in seconds.
    My carry is a Ruger LCP

  3. Beachmom

    I had one of the original LCP’s I was out in the yard one day with my Maltese when a pack of dogs came running across the field. Didn’t have one in the chamber, when I racked it the pistol jammed. Luckily I’m pretty good at immediate action and cleared it and fired a shot into the ground in front of the pack. Most of them turned and ran save for a Shepherd, the leader. Another ground shot took care of that.

    In my county it is legal to shoot a dog that is threatening harm to yourself or another, keeps most owners on track except the morons. I’d probably never shoot one but sure want the owners to know I might.

    the LCP was traded in for a Glock.

  4. Beachmom,

    At least you guys/gals can carry.
    Up here we have to make sure the inside of our houses are lit well enough that so they don’t trip & fall while they rob us.

  5. I have Canadian relatives.
    Some of them warn us all the time to not give up the guns.
    Truckbuddy, I like my Ruger because when I carry it in my purse I can keep one in the chamber and not be concerned about accidental firing if I pull it out as it has a manual safety.
    I have a Kahr 40 for when the hubs is traveling for quick access.

  6. During my years as an instructor, I would always tell our clients practice with what you’re going to carry and practice a lot not just shot placement, but the draw and protecting your weapon.
    When I was asked my opinion about which of those fancy glowing sights I would recommend I would tell them to save their money and learn point shooting, as you saw in the video most gunfights civilians will be involved in take place in what we call BAD BREATH DISTANCE! The likelihood that you would ever be making a long shot (other than at the range) are very remote.

    Just remember the majority of these D.A.’s are bought and paid for by the left and would like nothing better than to hang a citizen for protecting themself!


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