Rapper Who Bragged In Video About Getting Rich On Unemployment Fraud, Arrested – IOTW Report

Rapper Who Bragged In Video About Getting Rich On Unemployment Fraud, Arrested


Fontrell Antonio Baines, 31, was arrested on three felony counts of access device fraud, aggravated identity theft and interstate transportation of stolen property. Baines faces up to 22 years in federal prison, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. Federal prosecutors say that Baines and his co-conspirators fraudulently obtained at least 92 debit cards pre-loaded with more than $1.2 million.

The unemployment debit cards were issued in the names of third-parties, including identity theft victims, prosecutors said. They said the cards were sent to addresses to which Baines had access in Beverly Hills and the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles. More

Nuke Bizzle’s video on defrauding unemployment benefits is still up on YouTube. Watch

9 Comments on Rapper Who Bragged In Video About Getting Rich On Unemployment Fraud, Arrested

  1. Ummm, hood rats are a lot more stupid than they realize. Reminds me of the hood rat prison inmates posting pictures on fakebook of themselves smoking weed in their cells! Or the idiot hood rat posting a picture of himself with stacks of cash that he had stolen from the bank vault where he worked – just so he could burnish his “brand”.

    There’s a reason why they live in the ghetto/hood.

  2. Just more proof that you’re far more likely to get in trouble over what you say than what you don’t say.

    La=earn a lesson, if you’re doing anything questionable then keep your damn mouth shut about it!

  3. He won’t serve a day. His lawyer will scream the unfairness of the white justice system complaining bankers steal millions and get away with it therefore RACIST! The jury or judge who are scared/indoctrinated will let him go with an apology.

  4. He should have picked a better father who liked to be called Pop or the Big guy. Who had been a senator since before Difi & Nan Pelosi turned into wrinkled ole prunes ( iow a long long time ago) honing his criminal skills, who could have made him much richer, despite him having no talent & being a dope head, and Pop would only asked for a kickback payment. Plus Pop can likely keep both of ya out of prison.

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