Rare Bird Spotted in Texas- The Bat Falcon – IOTW Report

Rare Bird Spotted in Texas- The Bat Falcon


A bat falcon has been spotted in Texasโ€”the first time the bird of prey has ever been seen in the U.S.

Images of the bat falcon were taken by photographer Peter Witt and later confirmed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS).

The species has never been documented in the U.S. before. They live across much of the rest of the Americas with their range extending through the warmer tropical forests and coasts of Central and South America and the Caribbean. More

19 Comments on Rare Bird Spotted in Texas- The Bat Falcon

  1. I can just imagine the pandemic Gates and Fauci are phonying up from this.

    โ€œIt is believed to have started, almost certainly, or at least with a high probability, at a wet market in Alamo.โ€

  2. I had a 64 Rambler a kid in the next town had a similar looking Falcon. Every time I drove through that town someone would see me and yell Falcon Eddie!
    Always wondered if he came to my town and got called Rambling Man!


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