Rare Youtube Clip of Bob Ross Painting Muhammad – IOTW Report

Rare Youtube Clip of Bob Ross Painting Muhammad

Crowder paints Muhammad in hilarious spoof.

Doesn’t Crowder know not to poke the hornet’s nest?? Hasn’t our Dear Leader taught us that the best way to deal with Islam is to keep repeating how peaceful they are? If you draw Muhammad you’re only hatefully inducing a peaceful people into beheadings and mass shootings.

27 Comments on Rare Youtube Clip of Bob Ross Painting Muhammad

  1. Crowder trains MMA and owns fire arms. You would never see Jack Black make fun of Islam that way. Oh, Christianity and Judaism for sure but never Islam.

    The left are gutless.

  2. Great. It’s only 1855 on a Friday night and I’m already needing to change my pants.
    Actually, I needed this laugh because there ain’t much to laugh about these days.

  3. I love that! I laughed so loud, I scared my dogs.

    The only thing … where’s the MAAAAgic White?

    That would have killed it. Although the Trees were really good too.

  4. Not looking to stage a fight, but shouldn’t there be a link to Steven crowder page here? Maybe I just missed it. Crowder did create this masterpiece after all.

    Crowder’s YouTube channel is monetized. When you click on the video here it pays Crowder. – bfh

  5. Oh good. Thx for clarification. I’ll forthwithly hit your jar. Intertoobs is getting increasingly complicated and not obvious to observers. All you guys/gals are extremely creative and entertaining.

  6. We are very sensitive to giving link love and not screwing people out of their just desserts.
    We link Crowder often, either his videos or directly to his site.

    In fact, you’ve inspired me to add him to the blog roll.
    Thank you.

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