Rashida Tlaib Lied About Residency To Run For Office, Registered To Vote At False Address – IOTW Report

Rashida Tlaib Lied About Residency To Run For Office, Registered To Vote At False Address

Geller Report: No rules, no laws, no accountability. On the contrary, Rashida Tlaib can do no wrong. She is the face of the new Democrat party, the new Nazi party. This Jew-haters is lauded by Democrat leadership. Tlaib’s district is the third-poorest in the nation. It seems as if Tlaib ran on Jew-hatred and is now delivering, and this new revelation will make no difference. There is no doubt that Tlaib will use her platform in Congress to spew lies and hatred against Israel, President Trump, and anyone else whom the left targets. And what is even worse than the open Jew-hatred of Rashida Tlaib is that no one in the Democrat leadership has a word to say about it. She and her fellow Jew-haters Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar are their latest media darlings, and can do no wrong, especially when they demonstrate their antisemitism, which they all share.

“EVIDENCE: Rashida Tlaib ‘Lied’ About Residency To Run For Office, Registered To Vote At False Address,” by Patrick Howley, Big League Politics, January 30, 2019 (thanks to Mark):

Michigan Democrat congresswoman Rashida Tlaib registered to vote from a false address, and represented a state House district that she did not actually live in, according to credit score and property records obtained by Big League Politics.

Tlaib’s own father even said that Tlaib “lied” about her address in order to run for office.

Here is what the evidence, presented below, proves:

SNIP: Check out the petition at the link.

18 Comments on Rashida Tlaib Lied About Residency To Run For Office, Registered To Vote At False Address

  1. What?
    There are rules?
    Huh. Coulda fooled me.

    As in both the National Socialist and the Soviet Socialist systems (actually including the Chinese Socialist, Korean Socialist, Cuban Socialist, Albanian Socialist, Yugoslavian Socialist, Bulgarian Socialist, Italian Socialist (Fascist), Spanish Socialist, &c.), the “rules” don’t apply to the upper hierarchy – only to the Proles.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Lying to win is a part of Islam if it’s done to promote Islam and win against its enemies (anyone not Muslim).

    It’s justified in the Koran in at least a half dozen places, and called for in various Islamic texts.

  3. If any Congress critter needs to forcibly removed or impeached from her office it’s this dim bulb, muzzzie idiot posing as a congresswoman. If a member of GOPEE had done the same thing they would’ve been gone by now. And I wonder if she will be in attendance at tonight’s SOTU Address and call President Trump an MF’er or worse tonight, Miss potty mouth has gotta go.

  4. @anonymous

    “Watch out for when Trump’s presidency inevitably ends.

    We will be in for a wild ride.

    Arm up and be prepared.

    Just sayin’.”

    No joke. They’ll want revenge like they have never wanted it before.

  5. Running Jews out of the Communist Socialist Progressive Socialist party? Welcome! Sorry. Just remembered… It’s like running communists socialists progressives socialists locusts out of California (New York, Oregon). Best to let the Socialists do with them as they will. In their own house. That they helped build.


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