Rashida Tlaib Started Political Career Based on a Lie, So Says Her Father – IOTW Report

Rashida Tlaib Started Political Career Based on a Lie, So Says Her Father


In a March 11, 2010 newspaper article in The Detroit News, Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) father accused her of lying “big-time to get elected” by falsifying her address on an election affidavit.

“She lied,” Elabed said. “She lied big-time to get elected. I never teach her that way. I teach her the right way. It’s my house. She didn’t live there. She lived in Dearborn in her house with her husband and boy.”


13 Comments on Rashida Tlaib Started Political Career Based on a Lie, So Says Her Father

  1. A muzzie democrat lying???

    IMPOSSIBLE!! (stop the hate)

    ps…she IS a good-looking babe, ain’t she…..? Her nose looks like a sugerbeet that’s been squashed by a dumptruck.

  2. “Rashida Tlaib Started Political Career Based on a Lie…”

    Hmm, noticing a theme…

    “Barack Obama Started Political Career Based on a Lie…”

    “Hillary Clinton Started Political Career Based on a Lie…”

    “Maxine Waters Started Political Career Based on a Lie…”

    …this seems to keep working for some reason…

  3. Is this the broad that married her brother or is that the other one?
    I can’t keep up with these subhuman lifeforms that have invaded our country and now our congress.

    Taqqiya. It’s what’s for dinner. And breakfast. And lunch. And midday snacks.

  4. ^It’s the other one. So far. But give THIS one time, maybe her brother just got a new goat and doesn’t want to cheat on it right away, and besides, given a choice between a goat and THIS chick…

  5. My new Democrat representative, Lucy McBath, started her political career based on a lie. She didn’t live in GA-6 when she ran, and she still doesn’t live here. Hell, she doesn’t even live in Georgia!

    “Georgia Democratic Rep. Lucy McBath was the target of some creative trolling by the Republican Party over her widely disputed claim that she actually lives in Georgia, after receiving and signing for a gift basket the GOP sent to her address — in Tennessee.”


    That Pencil Neck Jon Ossoff didn’t live here, either. They’re going to play fast and loose with the residency requirements whenever they can. We need to call them out before they get on the ballot. Go Karen Handel! Take it back in 2020.


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