Rasmussen Poll: Only 2 in 10 Support “Defund the Police” – IOTW Report

Rasmussen Poll: Only 2 in 10 Support “Defund the Police”

Dan Bongino:

The latest slogan from the left has got to be their craziest (so far): “defund the police.”

There already seems to be a split among pundits on the left, with some taking the slogan literally, and others claiming that it’s more to echo sentiment that major reforms need to be made. In both scenarios the slogan makes no sense. If someone legitimately believes that police are routinely committing abuses, how would paying them less money change anything? And if the purpose of the slogan is to call for reform, their slogan should be “reform the police.”

Do people think that when Republicans say something like “defund NPR” they mean “reform NPR”? Of course not.

Perhaps we will see a rebranding soon, because while support for movements like “Black Lives Matter” has reached a record high, support for (literally) “defunding the police” remains a fringe position, and a fringe position that is becoming even less popular as crime rises in cities nationwide. read more

9 Comments on Rasmussen Poll: Only 2 in 10 Support “Defund the Police”

  1. Like Icarus Biden & Company will ride BLM as far and as high as they can and as the heating rays of truth melts the BLM narrative Biden will come crashing to earth in a Trump electoral landslide. As in there are people who live in the big cites who may want free healthcare and abortion on demand but by God they want the po po to be there when they call 911.

    Glorious; keep marching forward libtards you are on track to make Pickett’s charge the 2nd most devastating day for the Democrat voting base.

  2. Why is it that the same people who react to bad cops with “defund the police”, but when they have bad teachers, they say “we need to spend more on education”?

  3. Seriously? 20% actually back this crap? That is only 19.9999999% too many. I am an edumacator (yes, intentional), so I have to take part of the blame, but DAMN!!


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