Rasmussen Poll: Only 21% of Americans Say Federal Government Provides Better Health Care When Compared to Private Insurance – IOTW Report

Rasmussen Poll: Only 21% of Americans Say Federal Government Provides Better Health Care When Compared to Private Insurance


Only one in five Americans think the federal government provides better service and coverage than private health insurance companies, according to the latest Rasmussen/Harris poll.

Roughly 47 percent of respondents said think private insurance companies are better at delivering service the federal government — another 32 percent didn’t know.

Nearly 70 percent said Americans should be required to purchase their own health insurance before age 26, the current threshold mandated under Obamacare. Just 21 percent disagreed.
About 51 percent support plans that cover pre-existing conditions and another 52 percent listed keeping their doctor as an important feature, as opposed to being able to see a doctor quickly (40 percent support that).

“Americans clearly favor free market solutions when it comes to health care,” said Elaine Parker, President of the Job Creators Network Foundation. “They clearly think that private insurance is a better option than government provided health care. That being said, the government can help free market solutions by making sure there is pricing transparency so competition can truly exist.”  more here

8 Comments on Rasmussen Poll: Only 21% of Americans Say Federal Government Provides Better Health Care When Compared to Private Insurance

  1. “Only one in five Americans think the federal government provides better service and coverage than private health insurance companies”

    And yet many of that 80% will vote Dim. . . Too stupid to live.

  2. “back in the day” 21% would be unconceivable …. today, it’s a victory for the Marxists ‘democrats’

    tomorrow, it’s 30% … another incremental victory


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