Rasmussen Poll – Trump’s Approval Jumps to 52% Same Day Pelosi Announces Impeachment Will Proceed – IOTW Report

Rasmussen Poll – Trump’s Approval Jumps to 52% Same Day Pelosi Announces Impeachment Will Proceed

CNS: On Thursday – the same day House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Democrats will proceed with articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump – the president’s approval jumped to 52%, its highest level in more than two months.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 52% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Trump’s job performance, while 47% disapprove. This represents a three percentage point improvement from the previous day, when 49% approved and 50% disapproved.

At 52%, Trump’s approval is the highest daily number since September 24th of this year (53% approved, 45% disapproved). read more

6 Comments on Rasmussen Poll – Trump’s Approval Jumps to 52% Same Day Pelosi Announces Impeachment Will Proceed

  1. I’m not sure, but I am beginning to think that Trump has managed to get all of the Dem leaders working for him. What else could explain their apparent willingness to self destruct? Even Geraldo Caponesbankvault says the impeachment proceedings are a “disastrous idea” for the Dems. They couldn’t be THAT stupid, could they?

    Or could they?

  2. GO TRUMP!

    Come next election I will be making many burn offerings to whatever deity I might be worshiping at that time.

    May the Demoncrats lose the House, Senate & Presidency!

    May we replace two more of the Supremes with something that might respect the constitution which will perhaps eliminate legislation through lawsuits. 7 – 2 sounds real good to me. No more bisexual, liberal twits to be considered or listened to…

    Then on to crucify and remove the Rinos.

  3. Breaking News: 47% of Americans are absolutely insane, new poll shows.

    A new poll shows that 47% of Americans can’t tell reality from dreams, prefer childhood stories to true life, and still think Unicorns exist but just haven’t been found yet.

    “We’re at a loss to explain it ourselves,” Professor Jones said. “For awhile we thought there was something in the water, but we’ve disproved that theory.”

    Whatever is going on, it’s clear that things can’t continue this way for much longer.

    Back to you in the studio.

  4. @RadioMattM December 6, 2019 at 6:47 pm

    > What else could explain their apparent willingness to self destruct?

    Explaining to feminine voters — of all genders — why this is wrong, is mansplaining. A primaryable offense.

    Explaining to feminine voters — of all genders — why this will fail, is racist. A generalable offense.

    Doing as the feminine voters — of all genders — screech, and having it run according to design, is white men’s fault.

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