Raucous Flint Michigan City Council Meeting – IOTW Report

Raucous Flint Michigan City Council Meeting

ht/ hot salsa

32 Comments on Raucous Flint Michigan City Council Meeting

  1. Certain populations vote populations such as this one are unfitted for electing popular representation. I live in one myself. That being said, I work for a city just fifteen minutes away that has done a great job of electing fantastic public officials. Demographics…? just about the same.

    It has been the same for five decades that I have lived here in western WA

  2. …I do like Democrat on Democrat fighting, but the schadenfreude must be leavened by two facts about it.

    One, the Democrats only fight among THEMSELVES because there is no CONSERVATIVE for them to fight with. This means that they have successfully chased every decent human being out of the management of very large areas of our Country, and very large populations of decent human beings are in the thrall of full-on Communist evildoers and will suffer accordingly. No, don’t say “Well, they voted for it”, because while some DID, they were probably presented with very limited choices, gerrymandered into wards where non-Democrat voting is diluted to statistical insignificance, outvoted by illegal Democrat voters and machinations such as multiple voters, flying voters, and magical car trunks, AND in some cases just intimated away from the polls because “if you’re White, you don’t vote right”. Not everyone can afford to move out of these created shitholes either, and it’s a damn shame that you HAVE to anyway, because NO one on EITHER side of the aisle will put a STOP to all the Democrat cheating that’s cost us our once-proudest cities.

    Two, they’ve neither forgiven or forgotten us, they simply have us crushed out of their hellholes sufficient that they believe they can fight over the ruins unmolested by anyone who is not a shithead, and they also KNOW they outnumber us. Have no doubt, however, that given a detected threat, they would gleefully stop fighting EACH OTHER long enough to turn back to US. I like to use a Tolkien passage to illustrate, thus;

    (Sam and Frodo observe Orcs that were hunting each other quarrel and fight, one kills the other with an arrow in the eye and flees, leaving them to continue their journey)
    “For a while the hobbits sat in silence. At length Sam stirred. ‘Well, I call that neat as neat,’ he said. ‘If this nice friendliness would spread about in Mordor, half our trouble would be over.’

    ‘Quietly, Sam,’ Frodo whispered. ‘There may be others about. We have evidently had a very narrow escape, and the hunt was hotter on our tracks than we guessed. But that is the spirit of Mordor, Sam; and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that, or so all tales say, when they are on their own. But you can’t get much hope out of it. They hate us far more, altogether and all the time. If those two had seen us, they would have dropped all their quarrel until we were dead.’”

    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    Yes, our Orcs of Mordor behave very badly to each other when they think there is no threat from President Trump supporters. If they thought there WERE any, however, they would close ranks and attack, attack, attack, and Sauron didn’t have NEARLY the compliant press to broadcast how evil Aragorn supporters were to all of Gondor like OUR media does…

  3. This is right out of Idiocracy.

    They could fix their water system by selling CCTV tickets of their meetings to folks outside Flint.

    Live attendance of the show would expose the city to liability, since the attendees would probably get attacked once they broke into laughter.

  4. And the meeting then adjourned and everyone went to the Waffle House.

    Anyone who still wonders how the Flint water system got so bad, and why it was never fixed, needs to watch this video.

  5. Good god (small “g”), I remember watching Saturday morning cartoons as a kid and this is the adult equivalent. Excepting the fact that at the end of the day this is government on display in (unfortunately) many jurisdictions.

    What is the total salaries being paid these, these, these, oh screw it I don’t have a word for them.

    Mr. Big, where do you come up with these? Is it possible to be entertaining and sobering at the same time?


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