“Raw-Dogging” On Board International Flights Isn’t as Enjoyable as You Might Think – IOTW Report

“Raw-Dogging” On Board International Flights Isn’t as Enjoyable as You Might Think


Last week, Damion Bailey posted on Instagram that he had just achieved his “personal best” – a 13-and-a-half hour flight between Shanghai and Dallas without any in-flight entertainment, films, books or music.

“It’s quite tough, honestly,” the 34-year-old from Miami, Florida tells BBC News. But he keeps doing it.

Mr Bailey is part of a new travel trend, known as “raw-dogging”, where passengers spend long hours mid-air just staring straight ahead.

The longer you do it, the tougher you have apparently proven yourself to be. More

36 Comments on “Raw-Dogging” On Board International Flights Isn’t as Enjoyable as You Might Think

  1. And intelligent, educated, and imaginative person can find endless worthwhile mental occupations. That pretty much excludes these people who have to post about it, telling their nano-world about their self-denial. And that business of not getting up even to use the toilet is simply stupid.

  2. I never watch the “entertainment” on flights to Europe and back. I got plenty to think about and there is nothing but a bunch of make-believe, disgusting liberal kook horseshit on the tube. American Airlines has taken the card games off their menu, so they just suck worse then before.

  3. I agree with Uncle Al. One of my favorite activities is to use the plane’s glide angle, altitude, speed and position to determine chances of making it dead stick to the nearest, suitable airport. 😱✈️💥

  4. just 13 1/2 hours what a wuss. I use to do those 2 to 3 times a week in the cockpit of a B-52. although, I did get to spend 45 minutes hung on boom of a KC-135. Does that count as “playing avideo game”?

  5. Anonymous SubPrime

    I can’t believe they’re still flying that air-frame. Did you see where they’re upgrading it to Rev H? New engines, new avionics, new paint, and mag wheels.
    We machine a ton of parts for the B 52.

  6. @ Brad. the H’s are good aircraft! thanks for helping to keep em in the sky.

    At one point Boeing had a J model they were pitching to the brass. I would have loved to have seen it come to fruition.

  7. I think H has been in the works for like 10 years. To give you an idea how slow these guys work, my parents met at North American Aviation where the were both working on the B1 A.
    However solid model cad systems with diagnostic capability have really sped up the design process.

  8. General Malaise SUNDAY, 11 AUGUST 2024, 14:33 AT 2:33 PM

    I suspect you probably know there ain’t any glide path with those things.
    Glide like an anvil above Wile Ethelbert Coyote.

  9. Every flyable G got castrated. Was a Start 2 negotiation on weapons platforms. They even had to film and air the guillotine’ing. Circa 94 95 ‘ish time frames. IIRC.

    The H’s are still Going, and Going, and Going.

    Long Live The B.U.F.F.

  10. When B-52’s used to be stationed at Fairchild AFB (when it was a SAC base) just west of Spokane back in the 70’s and 80’s our first house was directly under the flight pattern for landing at Fairchild. We could always tell when the B-52’s flew over because of how extremely loud they were. I miss the B-52’s at Fairchild which is now strictly a tanker base (KC-135’s) and the home of an Air Force survival school to train air crews survival skills in the wilderness of NE Wash. state.

  11. Attention whores, attention whoring anrent living all that fulfilling and satisfying a lifestyle. Who would have ever guessed. It could be worse it could be the vegan look at me, look at me bullshit that includes the obligatory moral superiority component.

  12. Seems just about as dumb as the tide pod challenge.
    Or an exercise for Dem voters so they can empty their minds and make room for their orders from the media on what to think.

  13. In May 1984 just days before the annual airshow at Fairchild AFB was scheduled a dumbass B-52 pilot attempted to do aerobatics by flying it straight up into the air and came flying directly straight back down into the ground killing everyone on board. To this day nobody knows why this pilot did this. The next day on Friday, a disgruntled recently released airman went on a shooting spree killing about 8 people until an AF security guard got off the shot of a lifetime with a shot from about 100 yards out with his 9 mm pistol drilling this bastard right thru the middle of his forehead thus saving many more lives. A very good friend of mine and member of my church was one of the ones who was critically wounded by this asshole and damn near died except for being pushed out of the way at the last second by another wounded victim. My daughter and my friend’s daughter were best friends at that time, thank God my friend Pat wasn’t killed by this jerk.

  14. I misspoke earlier when I said May 1984, it was actually May 1994. 1994 was a hard year for me as I lost a small pilot friend of mine who flew freight for the courier company that I worked for at the time in Feb. 1994 who unfortunately crashed his small plane down by Winchester, Idaho on his way to Boise and was killed. He was only in his mid 20’s and left a young widow behind and he and I were going to be great fishing buddies which never happened. We also lost another seasoned pilot a former Air Force officer whose old DC 3 crashed in heavy fog attempting to land, landing just short of Geiger Field by the Spokane airport. I miss both of them they were both great guys who I was becoming friends with.

  15. HELLO WORLD . . .

    I played a logic trick on a marine one night in a bar.
    I never did tell him how.
    I hope he is listening.

    We were shooting pool and debating over ranges and distances.

    I said a B-52 tail-gun could shoot down a target 20 miles away.

    He was adament. This is impossible.
    The curvature of the earth is 15 miles I mentioned.

    He said it was impossible.
    I said “could too”.

    It’s possible, theoretically.
    Think about it.

    PS: A B-52 must fly like a fighter at 50,000 feet.
    I think 20 miles would be reachable if a stream was fired up at about 40 degrees and make a pattern 20 miles away.

    I think.

  16. Sheeah! So stooped. I bring a book (or two) and read when I’m not sleeping. Or a pad of paper to write down random stray firing synapses.

  17. When I was 10 my family flew from Frankfurt to JFK on a 747 (army brat) with a siamese cat. Both the cat & I found it to be a miserable experience. The in flight movie was “Posse” with Kirk Douglas. There was piped-in pre-recorded “music” and/or informative content about soy beans, nothing remotely of intrest to a 10 yo.I was happy when we left that plain.

  18. There’s nothing exceptional about sitting on a plane, doing nothing. So what!? Sitting quietly and staring into space the whole time keeps you from being a nuisance.
    Why must everything have a Marxist narrative? Anything to marginalize and cause conflict.
    This narcissistic mentality is chronic and annoying.

  19. When I flew home from the Philippines on Monday August 11, 1975 (I can’t believe it was 49 years ago today) on an Air Force charter jet, we left at 1:10 PM local Filipino time and flew from Clark AFB in the PI to Yokota, Japan to Elmendorf AFB in Alaska and finally the last long leg down to Travis AFB just outside of San Francisco at about 4:30 PM PDT on the same day of 8-11 after being in the air for over 20 hours. Talk about jet lag, that was the longest flight that I ever took, and a friend and I still had to fly to LA later that day and stayed in LA overnight and back to San Diego the next day where I was honorably discharged from the Navy a week later on 8-18-75 and I have lived back here in Spokane ever since then. When it took approximately 3 weeks for the Kitty Hawk to get from San Diego with a stopover at Pearl Harbor for supplies in Hawaii for 2-3 days I’ll take the long flight home from the Philippine’s any day of the week.


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