Ray Lewis Takes Two Knees And Gets Pummeled By Shannon Sharpe – IOTW Report

Ray Lewis Takes Two Knees And Gets Pummeled By Shannon Sharpe

Retired middle linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens, Ray Lewis,  joined members of the team in London on Sunday to kneel when the “Star Spangled Banner” was played and stood when they struck up “God Save the Queen.”

Former team mate Shannon Sharp called him out aggressively for this demonstration along with the rest of the NFL that suddenly decided to take issue with President calling for the firing of kneeling players (calling such a player an “S.O.B”).


So, Ray Lewis responded on “Inside the NFL” this week explaining that he didn’t take a knee, but instead he took two knees to pray.


I don’t think Shannon’s going to be invited to the Lewis’ Christmas party this year.

27 Comments on Ray Lewis Takes Two Knees And Gets Pummeled By Shannon Sharpe

  1. which is worse? A holier than thou attitude from Lewis who really, by all accounts, should be in JAIL for Murdering another black man OR the irony of this mental midgets kneeling for our National Anthem but them standing for God save the Queen, symbolic of the entire colonization of Africa as a continent and the ensuing slave trade that followed to British Colonies?

  2. What a load! Talk about trying to weasel out of a bad decision by invoking religion. There’s plenty of time to pray before and after the National Anthem. Any U.S. player who didn’t stand for our anthem but stood for GSTQ should have been left in England, since they obviously respect that country more than ours.

    P.S. – They will love it even more when the Muzzies take power. Which should be soon, judging from the way things are going over there.



  3. I didn’t watch this game. They did this in England? That’s too much. It’s one thing to do this in your own country, but in another? Perhaps they should move to Britain since they so desperately want to save the queen.

  4. Shannon’s round about point is that the NFL owners and players weren’t upset with Trump when he verbally abused others, only when their own feelings got hurt did they most of them start this taking a knee bit.

    And listening to Ray Lewis go on about how virtuously he stood with the parents of Trayvone Martin and Michael Brown all I could say was that the NFL great got played for a sucker, lending legitimacy to a couple of thugs who lost their lives being thugs.

  5. Oh look who else is kneeling — #55 Terell Suggs.

    Who had the terrible misfortune as a teenager to play for Hamilton High School in suburban Chandler, merely the best high school football programs in Arizona history, where a half dozen white coaches molded him into the kind of player who could earn $100 million in the NFL

    So hey, I think I’ll give Terell a pass. How about you?

  6. NFL = No Free Lunch!

    I’ve noticed that the majority of comments on the sites I visit are by people who do not watch pro football. Yet every one of them is paying for it vis-a-vis tax exemptions, sweet-heart deals, the blocking of anti-trust (monopoly) laws, tax payer funding of infrastructure (stadiums), etc., etc., all so a tiny minority of owners and the Lame Stream Media can reap 10’s and 100’s of millions of dollars in profits!

    ENOUGH! No Free Lunch for the NFL! No more massive, tax-payer subsidized profits for the naked, lying propagandist hell bent on destroying this the greatest nation on earth!

    Please contact your state’s Senators and Representatives and DEMAND that ALL public funding of this private enterprise cease IMMEDIATELY! DEMAND that special treatment in the form of legislations circumventing anti-trust laws end as soon as these discriminatory and un-American laws can be repealed!

    These America hating cowards are soaking the American people for $BILLIONS$ each year, and then spitting in our faces and lecturing us about unfair and unjust practices.

    ENOUGH is ENOUGH! No (more) Felons Lecturing the American people about things they’re clearly too illiterate and uneducated to even understand…No F-ing Longer should these miscreants be allowed to gorge themselves at the public trough…end the largesse now, No (more) Free Lunch is what the letters NFL should now and forever mean!

  7. When we won our independence from the British throne, we deported all loyalist to Canada. Every Tory bastard who took a knee for the National Anthem and stood for God Save the Queen should be shipped to Canada forthwith.

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