The Gateway Pundit –

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg skipped opening arguments today for the first time in her 25 years on the court. More

40 Comments on RBG AWOL From SCOTUS

  1. A well regulated judiciary, being necessary to the stability of a free nation, the right of Supreme Court Judges to keep and bear gavels, shall not be infringed.

    You’ll have to pry it out of her cold, dead hand.

  2. Compost her, already.

    Between building the wall and losing yet another SCOTUS ‘judge’, I’ll bet the dems and the commies (yeah, same thing) are collectively soiling themselves.

    Imagine the frustration of working for the past 100 years to destroy the USA only to have it stolen back from the nefarious douchebags LEGALLY.

  3. “She’s in for upgrades to software for the exoskeleton”

    …and I do NOT envy the H1B Disney Imagineer that has to peel the leathery Ruth Bader hide off that PARTICULAR Anamatronic, @Poor Lazlo…


    Pray to the blessed Saint Jehosaphat to forgive you your naughty, naughty thoughts! DO IT NOW, I SAID!

  5. …this sure is taking a long time. Just what IS the half-life of a witch, anyway?

    …although I can sure see why Satan wouldn’t be TOO eager to add her to his “Home” collection…

  6. Supernightshade January 7, 2019 at 11:17 am

    …let’s hope that this means she’ll be making it opening arguments in the 8th circle of Hell very, very soon…

    The flames of hell are being stoked. The Trump curse is about to take place soon.

  7. I know Q is not exactly everyone’s favorite source of information, but the fact is RBG was a topic this past weekend. This was before any other news source that I saw was even bringing her up. Probably just a coincidence.

  8. Sleeping on the bench, no-show for opening arguments; at some point it has to be recognized she is unable to perform her duties. What is the procedure to forcibly remove her?

  9. Dont get your hopes up, folks

    CNN is reporting that it’s a case of mild inflammation in her intercostals after she did her usual pec fly routine using 70 lbs for 12 reps

    They tried to tell her to take it easy a week out from major sugery, but you know ol Ruthie. They dont call her RBG-70 for nothing

  10. Does Hell have its’ own Supreme Court? Is so then surely Satan has a hot seat on the bench of Hell’s Supreme court reserved for this dreadful, spiteful, evil commie harpy. The damage this commie witch has done to this country and our society is beyond defining.

  11. The democrats are huddling right now as to how they can stop the Donalds next nomination. Secretly, they are scared to death of losing control of the Supreme Court and will do anything and everything to besmirch any candidate nominate by Trump.

  12. Not only is every appointment President Trump makes to the SC one for our side, it is one that Hitlery did NOT get to make.

    If she’s not in jail, at least this will really bug the crap out of her. That’s something.

    And RBG can be run over by an ambulance today and it still would never even the score re Justice Scalia’s murder.

  13. Woodrow Wilson was incapacitated for six months toward the end of his administration, and his new wife Edith Bolling Wilson became the de facto executive branch of our government, without the knowledge of most Americans. If Woody’s wife could get away with it, what’s to keep RBG’s minions from keeping their naked (and incapacitated) empress under cover long enough to stave off a Trump appointment?

  14. …since no one’s reading now, I can throw a REAL nasty thought out there…

    …what if she DID retire, and then started doing a sex talk show like Dr. Ruth did, but with lesbians? TELL me the MSM wouldn’t eat it up, much like she’s eat up Hillar…sorry, sorry, glad you’re not reading, I just made MYSELF throw up a little bit….

  15. If Trump is on his game he’s already picked the replacement and they’re working hard on vetting him and setting up the defense against the fake accusers the Dems will roll out. I hope the nominee is an actual believer in the Constitution and then maybe America has a chance. At the same time conservatives outside Trumps circle need to be questioning Ginsberg’s ability to execute her duties and discuss about the best way to remove her from the court should she be unable to publicly demonstrate her ability be a high court judge.


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