RBG Resurfaces – IOTW Report

RBG Resurfaces

In what can only be described as an overly fawning interview, NPR’s Nina Totenberg sat before a live audience with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg  during the National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C., yesterday.

While the topic at hand were the published writings of the frail supreme court justice and her upcoming biography (in the works for 15 years apparently), the headlines were all in admiration that the 86-year-old cancer suffer is still alive. More

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39 Comments on RBG Resurfaces

  1. I have stopped believing that she’s not long for this world. Now, I just look forward to the teeth gnashing, spastic colons, sleepless nights, public wailing, irrational pronouncements, and the Liberal Lunacy that her inevitable demise will bring to the politicians and lawyers who have used the Supreme Count to outflank the will of the majority of the American citizens.

  2. Will never figure out why RBG did not retire in time for the seditious gay Kenyan commie to replace her. Like Sotomayer and Kagan, Obama could have put another unfit, Affirmative Action, LOFO clown on the court. Maybe RBG figured she could do more harm to our country than Obama could?

  3. “… if Ruth Buzzie Ginsberg were really dead, he declared, the stench of the corpse would have filled the whole world …”
    (Demosthenes, anticipating)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. They keep carting her out to prove she is okay and healthy, which is not good for a person in her condition. It might be that effort to prove she’s a long way from the grave will actually be what puts her in the grave.
    How fitting would that be?
    Attempting to prove she is fine is what kills her?
    A perfect analogy for everything liberal: what they say they want to accomplish is the exact opposite of what they want to accomplish.

  5. @Eugenia SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 AT 4:21 PM – yet more proof that the left is doing everything they can to lionize (and eventually canonize) her, placing her far above Mother Teresa.
    She’ll be on such a high pedestal by the time she dies that the entire left will be ready, willing, and able to engage in whatever rioting or war their leaders wish to instigate.

  6. @Menotu SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 AT 6:15 PM
    “They keep carting her out to prove she is okay and healthy, which is not good for a person in her condition. It might be that effort to prove she’s a long way from the grave will actually be what puts her in the grave.”

    You just gave me an idea! Challenge the left: If she’s so healthy, book her on Dancing with the Stars!

  7. Maybe it’s time for our duly-elected, beloved President Donald John Trump to Twitter that he intends to replace Ruth (when the time comes) with someone to the left of AOC, thereby prompting Ruth to call it quits, then pull the old switcheroo, and nominate a female version of Clarence Thomas.


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