Reader Analysis of the State of the Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Reader Analysis of the State of the Democrat Party

This is a reader from Townhall, found by Woody. It’s a nice summary.

Chico • 

The Democrats’ predicament is analogous to Harridan McButthurt’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, but on a monumentally larger, steroid-induced psychosis level. These smug, hubristic, self-anointed rulers of America (and by extension their new global world order) had been allowed to craft their narrative for so long, aided and abetted by the lying, corrupt, partisan media, that they began drinking their own Kool Aid, becoming seduced by the siren song of their own self-flattering echo chamber to the point that they came to believe their own big propaganda lies.

Because she was such an autocratic narcissist Hillary believed the pundits’ and pollsters’ soothsaying prophesies that she was invincible and had the election in the bag. The sycophants in her entourage dared not broach the possibility that her strategy was flawed lest they find themselves out on their @$$es. The possibility of losing wasn’t even on their radar and she and her campaign got careless and cocky, which caused her to make several critical unforced errors sending her back to the woods of Chappaqua, bottle in hand, instead of the Oval Office.

Team Donkey now finds themselves in a very similar situation. Instead of conducting post mortem analyses of what went wrong and thoughtful, unflinching introspection they have chalked up their loss to it being the last flailing of a deplorable monster in the throes of death led by an evil, undeserving moneyed outsider who usurped their rightful place at the pinnacle of power. The fault lies not with their disdainful, arrogant, feckless leadership and half century of failed policies, but with the Evil Orange Ogre.

They haven’t learned a thing form the consequences of their closed-minded arrogance and have again insulated themselves in a bubble that brooks no dissent, an echo chamber that marginalizes if not dehumanizes anyone who thinks differently that they do on any issue. In their bizarro world the perpetually naked emperor always sports the fanciest clothes. Instead of changing course they have doubled down on the tactic of bullying those with whom they don’t agree into silence, calling them racists, homophobes, etc. The last time around the Democrats woke a sleeping giant. This time they never gave him a chance to go back to sleep and he’s in no mood for their BS.

Unfortunately for Team Donkey their one trick pony has broken a leg, is no longer able to pull the load and is headed for the glue factory. Jockey Nancy’s got her feet caught in the stirrups and is reluctantly riding that lame animal down the road to perdition.

18 Comments on Reader Analysis of the State of the Democrat Party

  1. Harridan McButthurt………! I agree that it is a good summary.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. Cliché-filled writing has always put me off…until I read this piece. Here, they are apt. The democrats are perfectly symbolized by a colostomy bag filled with clichés.

    I think this writer got it right all the way through.

  3. Irregardless of circumstances they always consider the leadership positions their rightful place and when they’re unseated it could only be because of some fluke or treachery.
    In their eyes those seats belong to them and when not occupied by them it’s illegitimate. There’s just no other possibility.

  4. The Democrats are too proud to admit they were wrong and need to change their thinking and their ways.

    Their minds just don’t work that way.

    Pride goes before a fall.

    As many throughout history have demonstrated.

    Will the Democrats now be among them?

  5. It’s counter intuitive to help them address their shortcomings.
    We need to point and laugh without (necessarily) telling them what we’re laughing at.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “Because she was such an autocratic narcissist Hillary believed the pundits’ and pollsters’ soothsaying prophesies that she was invincible and had the election in the bag.”

    The only thing I disagree with is the direction of the origin of belief: I believe it begins at the mother bitch and the web of control encompasses all and does her bidding.

    Any doubt that the witches of the demoncrats pull the strings? Just watch, one more time, that look and hand gesture of Mother Spider of Congress, Nancy, as she tries to quell the joy of her minions.

    That threatening look has replaced the ‘kiss of death’. You’ve see it on Hillary and Michelle.

  7. Other than massive voter fraud, polling place intimidation (you gonna walk through an Antifa gauntlet to vote?), “found” ballots, riots, relentless investigations, constant noise on TV that Trump is not a legitimate president, a clear and present danger, and so on – the R’s have the election in the bag…

  8. Zonga is right. Until voter fraud is dealt with, we will never have a fair and free election. Our votes will mean nothing until those who subvert our elections face the consequences.

  9. Lot of difference between a horse with a broken leg and a dead, inflated horse. Too bad their leadership doesn’t see the difference and continues to beat it.

  10. “… until those who subvert our elections face the consequences.”

    They face the consequences every single day: won elections.
    De Blasio

    If you mean adverse consequences, that’ll only happen when America starts to take election fraud seriously and hang the fraudsters – till then, they laugh all the way to the Bank.

    izlamo delenda est …


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