Reader Critters – IOTW Report

Reader Critters

menderman0 Reader Contributions Feb 2016

1 – Menderman –  Seagull trying to get crackers off hood of my truck at Point.

2 – Jeannine – This is our beautiful Stella Doro.

3 – Johnny Freedom – wild pig.

4 – Tina – My shepherd mix, Jake, with his intense stare and black mask.

5 – LocoBlancoSaltine – Roxy, the Chihuahua.

6 & 7 – Unruly Ref – 6 – My dog Buddy with two of my grandsons in my yard., 7 – Buddy, weighing the risks. Taken at Pedestal Rock, Arkansas around winter 2007. Buddy likes to pee on every tree he can, so that rocky area above the trees probably made for one of the most frustrating days of his life. lol. It’s about a 20 foot drop to the base of the trees.

8 – Zonga – My cat Slinky.

9 & 10 – Mr. Mxyzptlk – 9 – Cloe, 10 – Electra and Orestes – I love this photo because you can clearly see the angel on Electra’s back.

11 – Ornery1 – This is Kevin, my Labrador Retriever. I took this picture November 2011.

12 – reiuxcat – Garden spider.

13 – orbitup – Kitty on roof.


Attributions: If a reader sends in photos from the web, email or elsewhere (photos not taken by them or family/friends) (or photos not identified as by them or family/friends), I will add them to my collection of web images to post periodically. Otherwise, if it is their photo, I will include the information given to me when sent in.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion in the Sunday Critter feature (done on a roughly bi-anual basis) please sent your submission to:

Please use the word ‘Critters’ in the subject line and
include the following in the body of the email:

1.  Your screen name
2.  Indicate if you or family/friend took the picture (if the picture is from the web or an email someone sent you, it may be featured in a different post)
3.  Any description you wish

P.S. I try to post pictures “in the order they are received”. If you send more than a couple of pictures, they may not all make the cut. But if you’re patient, they still may make it if I run out of new entries.

17 Comments on Reader Critters

  1. Oh, Claudia thank you for posting our animals. Dear Chloe disappeared without a trace during Mrs. Mxyzptlk’s illness and even though she had every tag imaginable (including micro-chip) she is still gone. I think she left looking for Mrs. M.
    It’s just me and the cats at home. Another dog definitely in the future. Got to have something to keep the cats in line.

  2. I’m so sorry to hear that Mr. M. Such a loss coming with Mrs. M’s illness and passing.

    Chole has such a sweet face. She reminds me of my pup, Tammy, who was a beagle/dachshund mix (she looked like a small beagle with short legs).

    I’m giving my Zoe kitty a hug right now for your loss (both of them) and will say a prayer for you.

  3. Great pictures everyone. My, it sure seems like there are some spoiled rotten pets among iotwreport readers. I, of course, cannot relate to that. Uh-uh. Nope. Not me.

    So great to see the pets so healthy and well-loved. I liked the spider, pig, and sea gull, too.

  4. Thank you Claudia for posting those pictures of Buddy & the grandkids too. Those kids are grown up now and don’t look anything like that anymore. Buddy still looks the same.

    Got here a little late, almost missed it tonight.

    I love all the other pics too! Very nice!


  5. @Jethro, lol! Yes, those animals do make a lot of calculations.
    Now, if there had been a rabbit to chase off the cliff, that might have ended differently. 🙂

    Sorry to answer so late. I need to start getting here a little earlier.

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